Science and Arts Research Logical Units (SARLU)

The organisational restructuring produced an organisational structure based on a modern project-orientated approach combined with the core and traditional functions of the scientific and research activities of FCEAG. The organisational structure of scientific research activities is determined by 11 science and arts logical units (SARLU), the Office for Research and Development, joint management of research and development capacities (R&DO) and the FCEAG Laboratory.

  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (SARLU) for Geotechnical Research
  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (SARLU) for Hydrotechnical Engineering
  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (SARLU) for The Research of Building Materials
  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (SARLU) for Seismic Testing
  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (SARLU) for The Testing of Structures
  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (SARLU) for Numerical Modeling
  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (SARLU) for GIS Research and Decisionsupport Modeling
  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (sARLU) for Geodesy and Geoinformatics
  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (SARLU) for The Implementation of Modern Technologies in Architecture
  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (SARLU) for Road Design and Road Infrastructure Management
  • Science and Arts Research Logical Unit (SARLU) for The Research of Wind Energy