Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Academic staff:


Study Course Semester Hours ECTS
Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering Geodesy   II. 30+30 5,0
Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering Application of GIS in Water Resources Management I.   30+30 5,0
Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Basics of Geoinformatics
Geodetic Instruments
Engineering Graphics in Geodesy and Geoinformatic
Introduction to Geodesy

Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Programming
Land Surveying
Field Measurements

Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Databases
Analysis and Processing of Geodetic Measurements
Geodetic Maps
Principles of Land Registration Law
Professional Practice out of the Faculty

Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Cartography
Geodetic Reference Frames
Geoinformation Management
Geoinformation Modelling
Geoinformation Quality

Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Satellite  Positioning
Engineering Geodetic Control
Remote Sensing
Land Development
Land Information Services
Professional Practice
Practical Work with Geodetic Instruments
Topographic  Cartography

Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Engineering Geodesy
State Survey
Map Projections
Hydrographic Survey
Geoinformation Infrastructure
Web Cartography

Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering Geodesy I.   30+30 5,0



Learning Outcomes:

Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering
- Student will be able to:
- use geodetic and topographic maps for construction tasks;
- use and transform coordinates for construction tasks;
- use GPS measurements for construction tasks;
- in coordination with land surveyors, coordinate tasks of horizontal and vertical surveying  and laying out construction lines on site;
- use hydrographic measurements, photogrammetry, remote sensing and geographic information systems in solving construction tasks;
- propose measurement of displacement and deformation of objects in the field.


Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Application of GIS in Water Resources Management 
- Student will be able to:
- master basic functions in geoinformatics and working with GIS programs;
- apply GIS spatial data layers in hydrology and construction;
- operate with raster data and remote sensing data;
- process remote sensing images;
- get acquainted with data and working with GPS devices;
- get acquainted with official state projections in GIS.


Undergraduate University Study of Gedoesy and Geoinformatics
Physics - Student will be able to:
- interpret the basic concepts of general physics;
- interpret the basics of geophysics;
- apply the basic laws of geometrical optics, mechanics, oscillations and waves and electromagnetism;
- apply physics in everyday tasks of geodesy and geoinformatics.

Basics of Geoinformatics - Student will be able to:
- elaborate and apply the process of creating a model: from observing the reality and developing a conceptual model to creation of the specifications for data collecting;
- define geospatial entities and their representations in the model;
- select appropriate scale of the geospatial model according to the intendent use of the model;
- select and apply various geocoding systems;
- extract and interpret geospatial relations between the objects.

Geodetic Instruments - Student will be able to:
- to distinguish the nature and properties of light in the context of the law of reflection and refraction of light and explain the refractive index of light;
- differentiate and explain the properties of mirrors, prisms, plane parallel plate, optical wedge, lens, telephoto lens and other optical elements and systems;
- analyse  the structure of the eye as part of the optical system;
- use theodolite, level and devices for measuring length;
- measure the angles, height difference and length by different methods and measurement procedures;
- use instruments for determining the position of points (coordinates);
- apply automate measurements and communication between the geodetic instruments and computers.

Engineering Graphics in Geodesy and Geoinformatics - Student will be able to:
- distinguish between raster and vector graphics, concepts of computer-aided design (CAD) and geographic information systems (GIS), and colour systems in computer graphics;
- develop vector drawing by a given template, edit raster image (geometric and radiometric properties) and create two-dimensional drawings and surfaces in CAD and load data in geographic information systems (GIS);
- distinguish file formats for raster and vector graphics, computer aided design (CAD) and geographic information systems (GIS);
- perform geometric and topological transformation on raster and vector data;
- specify the scale of drawing and print-to-scale drawing on the paper;
- create and analyse surfaces, volumes and profiles in software packages for CAD and / or GIS.

Introduction to Geodesy - Student will be able to:
- distinguish the tasks of geodesy, structure and organization of geodetic tasks in Croatia and the world;
- use the basic concepts and definitions in geodesy;
- comment on the historical development of geodesy;
- distinguish the basic measurement units and the basics of measurement theory;
- use coordinate systems;
- distinguish the basic geodetic parameters and measurement methods;
- interpret geodetic base maps and basis;
- elaborate the basics of geodetic surveying and calculate land areas and land volumes;
- distinguish the basics of geoinformation systems;
- assess the future of geodesy.

Programming - Student will be able to:
- analyse the basic elements and models of computer processing;
- interpret the concepts of algorithms and programming;
- interpret the concept of object-oriented programming;
- use the syntax of the Java programming language;
- complete algorithms for simple mathematical, geodetic and geoinformatic tasks and their encoding in Java programming language.

Land Surveying - Student will be able to:
- apply the basic principles and methods of land surveying;
- design and develop the basic geodetic network for land surveying, define surveying methods and measurements;
- interpret the basics of coordinate calculations;
- apply the official coordinate terrestrial reference system;
- apply basic GNSS measurement methods and the principle of fitting into terrestrial systems;
- plan, implement and calculate the geodetic basis by the traverse surveying: traverse,open traverse, open traverse with known coordinates on both sides, closed traverse, blind traverse;
- apply the connection to inaccessible surveying point;
- define angles in traverse surveying and sources of measurement uncertainty when measuring angles;
- define the length by the electro-optical distance meters and sources of measurement uncertainty.

Field Measurements -Student will be able to:
- define the concepts: geodetic basis, geodetic base map, bearings, geodetic azimuth;
- evaluate different types of the geodetic measurements and methods of determining the points coordinates, according to the measurements uncertainty;
- perform field measurements: measure horizontal angles by the  direction method, vertical angles in multiple repetitions, and length by different measurement methods;
- apply the cantering calculation to the measurements made on or from the eccentric station and indirectly determine the elements of eccentricity;
- calculate the coordinates of points by intersection or resection by angles or distances;
- elaborate the required measurements uncertainty for the given task and select the most appropriate equipment and accessories for field measurements;
- collect data about the geodetic basis and find existing geodetic points in the field;
- outline the work plan of geodetic tasks, select and apply geodetic methods and measurement procedures, determine the possible impacts on the task execution.

Databases - Student will be able to:
- define basic database concepts;
- differentiate database models: relational model, object, object-relational and deductive;
- create a conceptual database model for a given topic in the domain of geoinformation;
- build a database schema in a relational model using normal forms;
- manage the database using SQL commands.

Analysis and Processing of Geodetic Measurements - Student will be able to:
- differentiate the basic principles, concepts, methods and procedures for analysis and processing of direct and mutually independent geodetic measurements;
- use appropriate professional terminology related to the analysis and processing of geodetic measurements;
- differentiate the rules of the theory of errors, mathematical statistics and probability theory in the analysis and processing of geodetic measurement errors;
- apply different criteria to assess the quality of geodetic measurements (precision, accuracy, reliability) and the criteria for evaluating the accuracy of mutually independent geodetic measurements;
- apply the rules of variances propagation, weights propagation and cofactors propagation in the case of one or more functions of geodetic measurements;
- apply adjustment of direct measurements in the cases: classical direct measurements, multiple measured vectors and double measurements;
- apply adjustment of indirect measurements in the cases of regular and singular adjustment;
- apply adjustment of conditional measurements;
- develop uniform geodetic reprts depicting the results of analysis and processing of geodetic measurements;
- plan the processing of geodetic measurements from the viewpoint of: the volume and types of measurements; the use of appropriate mathematical model of measurement; the application of appropriate technological tools for the realization of processing; and optimize performance.

Geodetic Maps - Student will be able to:
- differentiate cadastral, topographic, engineering and other geodetic maps in digital form or in the form of an information system;
- identify the maps properties (scale, projection, quality, etc.);
- differentiate maps  that are used in practice with regard to their maintenance, updating and their quality;
- apply map sheets division of the former and current official coordinate reference systems;
- differentiate various representations of topographic elements, explain dependency of the accuracy of height data;
- differentiate raster and vector data models;
- calculating different elements from the map (areas, slopes, lengths, ...);
- differentiate various application of the maps in practice.

Principles of Land Registration Law - Student will be able to: 
- interpret the basic concepts of land registration law;
- analyse legal sources and legal rules governing the matter of land registration;
- distinguish the main process functions in the land registration procedure and describe the relationship between subjects in the land registration process;
- analyse the protection of land registry  rights and the role of the primary order;
- classify the basic principles of land registration procedure and explain the impact of the principle of conducting land registration procedure;
- clarify the basic stages and the role of subjects in land registration procedure.

Topography - Student will be able to:
- analyse and interpret geomorphological forms of the terrain, with special emphasis on the karst relief;
- select the optimal surveying methods for the realistic representation of land forms (in analog and digital form) on geodetic maps of large and small scales;
- recognize and distinguish the geomorphological forms at sea;
- categorize relief forms on land and at sea;
- draw relief with different methods in analog and digital form (DMR).

Professional Practice out of the Faculty - Student will be able to:
- execute geodetic  field works and / or process geodetic data in office;
- use various geodetic instruments and accessories on the field;
- use various software tools and methods for processing of geodetic data;
- model and process field and other data collected;
- determine the scope of geodetic works in practice;
- report about the performed work in a form of working diary.

Cartography -Student will be able to:
- analyse cartography and its tasks, describe cartography development and classify it;
- define and analyse representations of objects on various maps and differentiate  object names (toponyms);
- classify types of cartographic representations, types of maps and interpret maps properties, maps elements and maps size; define and differentiate between maps alike representations (2D and 3D); describe and differentiate current official and unofficial map products in the Republic of Croatia;
- analyse sources of data for maps production; 
- explain process of symbol creation and analyse minimal mapping units and graphical variables; describe, compare and apply graphical elements (geometric- graphical elements, cartographic symbols, colour and text on the maps);
- analyse cartographic generalisation, analyse its factors and compare basic procedures of cartographic generalisation;
 - draw the original of map, create charts;
- define data set (metadata) required for use of the map, define methods of map’s use and ways of maintaining  the map.

Geodetic Reference Frames - Student will be able to:
- differentiate celestial, terrestrial and local reference systems and frames;
- interpret the basics of coordinate reference systems and frames;
- describe the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS);
- use International Terrestrial Reference Systems and Frames (ITRSYY, ITRFYY);
- distinguish methods for determining reference systems (VLBI, SLR, LLR, DORIS, GNSS, FK, HIPPARCOS, etc.);
- differentiate the natural states and processes in space that affect the definition, employment and change of coordinate reference systems and frames (motion of geotectonic plates, precession, oscillation of the Earth's axis, motion of poles, Earth's tidal waves, Earth's rotation speed, etc.);
- use European Terrestrial Reference Systems (ETRSs) and their employment (ETRF) with specific reference to the ETRS89 and ETRF89; use the European heights systems;
- differentiate Croatian, European and global positioning and height reference systems and frames;
- use former (HDKS1901) and actual (HTRS96) official terrestrial reference system in Croatia;
- execute practical numerical procedures of coordinate transformations.

Photogrammetry - Student will be able to:
- identify the advantages and disadvantages of photogrammetric measurement methods in relation to other methods;
- analyse photos properties that should be satisfied in order to use the photo for measurements;
- apply the basic procedures for preparing photos for measurement;
- apply the principles of mono and stereoscopic photogrammetric methods, distinguish their advantages and disadvantages and the scope of application.

Cadastre - Student will be able to:
- distinguish relations between people and land and the concepts and content of: land administration, land management and land policy;
- recognize the land features to be registered in the cadastre and recognize their boundaries and other borders;
- collect data about the land and carry out the registration of those data in the Cadastre;
- distinguish ways of registration of certain land features in the Cadastre and Land Registry in accordance with regulations;
- differentiate the registers of real estates (Cadastre) and interest on them (Land Registry) and distinguish the role of surveyors and other experts;
- distinguish the conceptual, logical and physical models which are applied in cadastral systems;
- maintain the data registered in the Cadastre and Land Registry in accordance with assigned authorisation;
- apply acquired knowledge about the cadastre on the real estate market and on the preparation of spatial representations for sustainable development projects, urban planning and environmental protection projects.

Geoinformation Modelling - Student will be able to:
- define and differentiate geospatial models;
- recognize the advantages and disadvantages of particular geospatial models;
- read the notation of ER and UML diagrams for modelling of geoinformation;
- use key topological concepts on two-dimensional and three-dimensional data;
- describe a subset of real-world with the aid of geospatial models.

Geoinformation Quality - Student will be able to:
- define the general framework of international and national processes related to quality of surveying products with a focus on the production of geospatial information and geodata; and taking into account the aspect of analogue and digital production technologies;
- declare current principles, concepts, methods and procedures for determining the quality and presentation of geoinformation and geodata quality;
- explain the methodology, concepts and content of standardization processes in production and products as a prerequisite for determining and presenting the quality of geoinformation and geodata;
- compare the different types and ways of standards systematization and relations between the standards and specifications of geoinformation and geoinformation products;
- systematize in accordance with ISO and Croatian standards quality components to describe the quality of geoinformation and geodata (numerical and descriptive), the quality elements of geoinformation and geodata, descriptors and measures of the quality of geoinformation and geodata;
- systematize in accordance with ISO and Croatian standards methods of sampling for the purpose of evaluating and labelling geoinformation and geodata quality (direct and indirect, non-automatic and automatic, internal and external);
- develop a plan to evaluate the quality of geoinformation and geodata, including definition of processes, procedures and methods to evaluate the quality with the refinement of relevant numerical and descriptive elements of quality;
- implement the evaluation of the geoinformation and geodata quality, and report on quality using a standardized framework for reporting (report on quality, metadata);
- describe the Croatian national geoinformation and geodata production system, the specifics of the system, national geoinformation products, data sets and Croatian national quality control system.

Geoinformation Management - Student will be able to:
- analyse the steps in geoinformation management;
- consider different data entry procedures and select  the most appropriate method of storing data;
- select different functions to customize and edit geometric data;
- identify the method of editing and assigning attribute data to geometric data;
- develop maps and related views using modern methods and technologies based on measured data and data from other sources;
- analyse selected data at various levels and present the results in graphical form (map and / or report);
- define concept of data quality.

Satellite Positioning - Student will be able to:
- communicate the importance and role of satellite positioning and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in modern society, i.e. geodesy and geoinformatics;
- review the theoretical bases of satellite positioning and GNSS;
- differentiate the existing systems (GPS, GLONASS, Beidou, Galileo, IRNSS, QZSS) and their specifics;
- use GNSS devices;
- plan and implement field measurements with GNSS devices;
- calculate, using appropriate software packages, GNSS measurement data;
- Interpret the results obtained by computing measurements data.

Engineering Geodetic Control - Student will be able to:
- differentiate geodetic control with regard to its purpose and application;
- define the geodetic control;
- apply general and specific characteristics of the geodetic control for the construction steaking ;
- defining the phases of establishing a geodetic network;
- review different methods of measuring the engineering geodetic control;
- analyse the quality (accuracy) of the geodetic control and its elements;
- fit together the newly established and the existing geodetic control.

Remote Sensing - Student will be able to:
- distinguish the principles and methods of remote sensing;
- analyse the increase in the level of exploitation of the collected information;
- analyse the multisensor and multispectral recorded images;
- distinguish remote sensing in relation to photogrammetry;
- differentiate the interpretation of multisensor and multispectral images using software tools for remote sensing.

Land Development - Student will be able to:
- prepare geospatial data and maps for land management tasks;
- evaluate the value of land;
- assess the value of urban space with different types of space values, access the main social, economic, environmental and political impacts on the value of urban space;
- implement the estimated value in the information system for the spatial presentation of the space values - value maps;
- distinguish the principles of land policy and implementation of spatial plans, the role of physical planning, monitoring and control;
- differentiate geodetic technical measures of land development: land consolidation, re-parcelling, urban land consolidation, expropriation and allotment, as consolidation methods in situation of opposing interests (static and dynamic) over the land;
- analyse the characteristics of water catchment area for the implementation of geodetic technical measures of land development;
- differentiate the hierarchy in spatial planning, applications of spatial planning, planning methods and legal status.

Professional Practice - Student will be able to:
- apply skills in performing field geodetic measurements;
- implement acquired knowledge of the use of geodetic instruments and accessories;
- analyse collected field data;
- process field data;
- report on the results of field work in the form of a report including graphic representation.

Practical Work with Geodetic Instruments - Student will be able to:
- test and rectify the instrumental errors in theodolite;
- test and rectify the instrumental errors in total station;
- test and rectify the instrumental errors in level;
- differentiate the impact of errors on data processing results, when data is collected on the field;
- model field data.

Land Information Systems - Student will be able to:
- differentiate the methods and tasks for collecting land related data;
- apply the land data modelling;
- create the vector, layer based model of digital cadastral map;
- analyse the compliance of spatial and descriptive components of cadastral data;
- use the land information services;
- explain the technological integration of separate registers (Joint Information System of Land Register and Cadastre);
- describe and demonstrate the methods for improving cadastral maps (homogenization);
- describe the principles of establishment of land information services and the underlying data management.

Topographic Cartography - Student will be able to: 
- analyse the topographic mapping and its purpose and tasks, review the development of topographic maps and topographic surveys,
- identify and differentiate the elements of the Official Topographic-Cartographic Information System of Republic of Croatia (STOKIS), 
- explain the model of the Topographic Information System of Croatia (CROTIS) and differentiate its structural elements (object entities, groups, types, attributes), and analyse the ways of establishing  the Basic  Topographic Database (TTB);
- determine the characteristics, objectives and organization of the Military Information System of the Republic of Croatia (VoGIS);
- analyse and argue the purpose and use of topographic maps, who are the users of topographic information and what are their needs;
- differentiate and analyse topographic data themes and their features, visualise them on topographic maps at different scales;
- link the mapping of topographic features with the creation of topographic maps;
- analyse the use of map key for topographic maps and relate to the methods and tasks of topographic maps maintenance;
- consider the “Rulebook on the method of topographic survey and on the elaboration of national maps” and the “Rulebook on storing and using of documents and data of state survey and real estate cadastre”;
- differentiate existing topographic maps for the territory of Croatia and current official topographic maps of the Republic of Croatia (civil and military).

Engineering Geodesy - Student will be able to:
- define the basic tasks of engineering geodesy in the civil engineering, calculate and stake out elements of construction;
- apply the methods of steaking out the construction points and lines;
- apply the method of steaking out the heights;
- elaborate  the project for construction steaking;
- define the accuracy of various methods of construction steaking;
- evaluate which method is best suited for steaking out in specific engineering tasks during the construction;
- describe the procedure for setting layout lines to the batter boards;
- describe the basic types of traffic and road elements in the horizontal (directions, circular, transitional and compound curvature) and vertical direction (vertical alignment);
- definite the longitudinal and transverse cross sections of roads.

State Survey - Student will be able to:
- differentiate various  classifications of geodesy and of state survey, as well as the basic surface models and methods of solving the basic geodetic tasks;
- analyse the basic concepts in geodesy and be familiar with the former (inherited) and current official geodetic reference systems, i.e. dates in the Republic of Croatia;
- analyse the main coordinate systems of ellipsoidal geodesy and the links between them;
- analyse the basic features of the ellipsoid: the main axis, the length of the meridians and the parallels, the concept of duality of normal crossings and their mutual disruption, the length of the normal section, the geodetic line and its natural properties, the simplified excerpt of the basic equations of the geodetic line, its shape and path and azimuthal corrections;
- analyse the solutions of major geodetic tasks on the ellipsoid and the reduction of the measured size from the physical surface of the Earth to the surface of the ellipsoid;
- analyse conformal mapping of the ellipsoid to the plane and the basis of the Gauss-Krueger projection;
- analyse the characteristics of the positional networks, the way of developing and designing the positional networks, and the method of collecting (measurement methods) of the elements in the triangulation networks and the methods of their processing (adjustments);
- analyse electronic distance measurement methods, i.e. the application of wave equations to determine distances in trilateration, and get acquainted with instrumental corrections and reductions that must be taken into account when measuring;
- apply height systems, methods for levelling, transformations between different height systems and corrections that occur due to the levelling paths;
- apply the methodology of the most important three-dimensional coordinate transformations, with special reference to the transformation and transformational models in the Republic of Croatia, as well as the ITRF specification for defining the reference frames and the processing of GNSS measurement campaigns.

Map Projections - Student will be able to:
- use coordinate systems in cartography on the Earth's sphere and reference ellipsoid;
- apply general theories of cartographic projections including estimation and deformation distribution;
- differentiate the classifications of cartographic projections and the basics of the main cartographic projections;
- solve tasks in the official cartographic projections; 
- select the appropriate cartographic projection.

Hydrographic Survey - Student will be able to:
- differentiate the basic oceanographic parameters with an emphasis on thermohaline properties of the vertical column of seawater and their impact on the determination of sea depth;
- differentiate the basics of sea tides theory, vertical datums, data of sea tides and currents, and forecasts of sea tides;
- apply technology and methods for the positioning on water surface, horizontal and vertical positioning, including tidal and other variations of water level, horizontal and vertical datums, as well as orientation of vessel (pitch, roll, heading);
- review basic technologies and methods of depth measurements and possible errors;
- draw simple maps from hydrographic survey data (a combination of positional data obtained from GNSS devices and vertical data obtained from a depth sounder);
- model bathymetric data and interpolate data by drawing contour lines and selecting depth;
- apply the basics of maritime law and maritime domain;
- use the analog and electronic navigation chart (ENC) and its features, use the ENC browser.

Geoinformation Infrastructure - Student will be able to:
- differentiate the spatial data infrastructure and the needs for its development at all social levels;
- differentiate levels of spatial data infrastructure (regional (EU INSPIRE), national (NIPP), local, corporate, thematic, etc.);
- apply the principles of the development of spatial data infrastructure (SDI);
- use services of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and the EU INSPIRE Spatial Data Infrastructure (browsing, searching, transforming, retrieval, referring, etc.);
- apply appropriate standards and rules in the design of SDIs;
- create metadata for the spatial data sources;
- create Spatial Data Search Service in accordance with NSDI / INSPIRE.

Web Cartography - Student will be able to:
- distinguish the features of web map functionality and interactivity;
- use the theoretical settings of web cartography;
- model cartographic views based on complex features, rules and tools to display maps on the web;
- apply acquired knowledge about static and dynamic web maps;
- create web maps and visualize spatial data.


Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering
- Student will be able to:
- identify and use official state maps and charts;
- get acquainted with GPS measurements and their use in construction;
- perform basic geodetic works such as measurements f angles, levelling and computation of coordinates;
- read coordinates of points from maps and calculating new coordinates;
- understand geodetic registers (cadastral plans);
- get acquainted with the construction steaking  methods – laying out the construction lines on the site;
- get acquainted with the possibilities of deformation measurements in construction;
- get acquainted with the basics of photogrammetry and remote sensing;
- get acquainted with the basics of GIS technology.