University Graduate Study of Architecture and Urban Planning


University Graduate Study of Architecture and Urban Planning is carried out at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy of the University of Split and lasts for two years (four semesters).

The syllabus consists of compulsory, elective and extracurricular courses. It is aligned with European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and students accumulate minimum of 60 ECTS each academic year. In order to obtain qualification (Master’s degree) students have to accumulate minimum of 120 ECTS.

The learning outcomes are aligned with Directive 2013/55/EU of European Parliament and Council of 20 November 2013 amending Directive 2005/36/EC, Article 46, on the recognition of professional qualifications. 

Upon completion of the University Graduate Study of Architecture and Urban Planning, the student is qualified for independent and team-based interdisciplinary work in solving complex architectural and urban planning assignments. They are also well prepared for further education and research in postgraduate studies in the area of technical sciences, particularly architecture and urbanism, as well as in other scientific and artistic areas, depending on the admission requirements of the respective programs.

Upon completion students are awarded the academic title and corresponding qualification University Master Engineer of Architecture and Urban Planning ( 

The holder of this qualification is entitled to perform a wide range of professional tasks in the field of urban planning, architectural design, and construction. Upon completion of the studies, they fulfil part of the requirements for entry in the Directory of Certified Architects and the Directory of Certified Architects / Urban Planners of the Croatian Chamber of Architects.


Organisation of Study

University Graduate Study of Architecture and Urban Planning is carried out at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy of the University of Split, with participation of lecturers from other faculties and other insitutions of higher learning of the University of Split, from other universities in the Republic of Croatia, as well as of foreign visiting university lecturers.

The University Graduate Study in Architecture and Urban Planning is structured around five core modular themes: Architectural Design, History and Theory of Architecture, Conservation and Restoration of Building Heritage, Urban Planning, and Project Management. Additionally, elective courses allow students to tailor part of their studies to individual interests.


List of courses available for incoming exchange students you can download here.



Course Information Sheet for the actual academic year

Lecturer Course Code Hours ECTS
I. Semester
N. Kezić Graduate Design Studio 1 GAS711 30+90 15,0
H. Njirić Contemporary Architecture GAT711 30+0 2,0
K. Marasović, S. Perojević Protection and Restoration of Architectural Heritage Studio 1 GAV711 30+30 5,0
A. Šverko Research in Urban Planning GAU711 15+15 2,0
N. Jajac Project Management GAL711 30+0 2,0
H. Bartulović Physical Planning 1 GAU713 30+0 2,0
  Elective Courses     2,0
II. Semester
T. Plejić, D. Peračić Graduate Design Studio 2 GAS712 30+90 15,0
D. Tušek Croatian architecture in the 20th century GAT712 30+0 2,0
K. Marasović, S. Perojević Protection and Restoration of Architectural Heritage Studio 2 GAV712 30+30 5,0
H. Bartulović Urban Design GAU712 30+0 2,0
A. Grgić Physical planning 2 GAU714 30+0 2,0
N. Jajac Construction Investments Planning GAL712 30+15 2,0
  Elective Courses     2,0
III. Semester
S. Randić, Graduate Design Studio 3 GAS811 30+90 15,0
N. Kezić Interior Design GAS812 30+30 5,0
S. Matijević Barčot Theory of Architecture GAT811 30+0 2,0
S. Golem Urban Economy GAU811 30+0 2,0
H. Bartulović Integrated Environmental Protection GAJ811 30+0 2,0
S. Stanić Socio-Urban Research of Space GAU715 30+0 2,0
  Elective Courses     4,0
IV. Semester
  Master thesis GAX911   30,0
Elective Courses:
H. Bartulović BIM GAS713 15+15 1,0
N. Kezić Professional Practice GAS714   2,0
K. Marasović, S. Perojević Protection and Restoration of Architectural Heritage Studio 3 GAV811 15+15 2,0
D. Gabrić, A. Grgić International Urban Planning or Architectural Student Workshop GAU716   2,0
D. Gabrić Complex Architectural and Urban Design Strucrurtes GAU717 30+0 2,0
D. Breški Foregin Language GAA711 15+15 1,0




Study of
and Urban
Planning Yearbook
Study of
and Urban
Planning Yearbook
Study of
and Urban
Planning Yearbook

Study of
and Urban
Planning Yearbook

Study of
and Urban
Planning Yearbook