Bilateral Projects


Project Title: RESCOP – REmote Sensing monitoring in marine eCOsystem based spatial Planning
Project Title in Croatian: RESCOP (Monitoring morskih ekosustava korištenjem daljinske detekcije) u sklopu poziva Jačanje bilateralne suradnje s Norveškom u području zelene tranzicije
Principal Investigator: prof. dr. sc. Roko Andričević
Starting Date: March 20, 2023.
Ending Date: March 19, 2024.
Web Pages (EN):
Wep Pages (HR):
Project Summary: Project  Remote sensing monitoring in marine ecosystem based spatial planning (RESCOP)  project is financed by the EEA and Norway Grants Fund and aims to analyze and improve the state of coastal ecosystems in Croatia and Norway. Based on remote sensing, the project seeks to optimize the measurement of variables and parameters, with total financing amounting to 99. 810,05 EUR. This is part of a broader program "Strengthening bilateral cooperation with Norway in Green transition", with a total value of 500,000.00 euros. The project results will be used to inform the public and assist decision-makers in regulating the protection of marine coastal ecosystems. The duration of the project is 12 months, starting in March 2023.