Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources financed from the European Social Fund (ESF)


Programme aims to contribute to employment growth and strengthening of social cohesion in Croatia, through investing in four main areas: measures for supporting sustainable and quality employment, ensuring adequate harmonisation of knowledge and skills with the labour market needs, activities related to social inclusion, as well as support to the public administration (development of e-administration etc.)


Project Title: PRAG – The first step in your career – jobs of the future in Architecture and Civil engeneering (UP.
Project Title in Croatian: Prvi korak u karijeri – poslovi budućnosti u graditeljstvu
Principal Investigator: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivo Andrić
Starting Date: March 01, 2020
Ending Date: March 01, 2023
Total Budget: 3.925.822,04 kn
Web Pages:  
Project Summary:



Project Title: LABIRINT – Development and elaboration of occupational standards, qualifications and study programs in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics (UP.
Project Title in Croatian: Razvoj i izrada standarda zanimanja, kvalifikacija i studijskih programa u geodeziji i geoinformatici
Principal Investigator: izv. prof. dr. sc. Martina Baučić
Starting Date: March 22, 2019
Ending Date: March 22, 2022
Total Budget: 3.473.908,08 kn
Web Pages: https://labirint.geof.hr/
Project Summary:

Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, as lead partner together with partners, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, University of Split and Institute for the Development of Education are implementing projects activities. The strength of the project is the partnership of both faculties, which provides a comprehensive approach to developing standards of qualifications and defining learning outcomes of undergraduate and graduate study programs at national level.  

Main goal of the project is to improve the existing study programs in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics in accordance with the CROQF methodology.

Specific goals of project are:

  • develop 10 occupational standards;
  • develop 3 standards of qualifications;
  • develop 3 study programs.


Project Title: CPoRT – Risk assessment of the pollution caused by rivers and discharges
in coastal areas (HR. 3.2.01-0262)
Project Title in Croatian: Procjena rizika od zagađenja uzrokovanim rijekama i ispustima u priobalju
Principal Investigator: doc. dr. sc. Morena Galešić Divić
Starting Date: June 29, 2015
Ending Date: September 29, 2016
Total Budget: 453.202,50 kn
Web Pages: -
Project Summary:

The aim of the project is to upgrade research skills of young researchers on Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy from Split trough the implementation of challenging research project of tackling the pollution risk assessment driven by rivers and discharges in coastal areas.

The risk of the pollution in the coastal area has profound effect to water quality and subsequently to human health and quality of life. By accomplishing of the project goals, results will obtain new insights about pollution transport which will then be applied in the developed software Coastal Pollution Risk Tool (CPoRT).


Project Title: Strategic Development of Higher Education and Qualifications Standards in the field of sustainable and green building with innovative and interdisciplinary development of new Master's degree program in a sustainable and green building with a focus on the Mediterranean area (HR.3.1.15-0034)
Project Title in Croatian: Razvoj visokoobrazovnih standarda zanimanja i standarda kvalifikacija za područje održive i zelene gradnje uz razvoj novog sveučilišnog diplomskog programa održive i zelene gradnje s naglaskom na mediteransko područje
Principal Investigator: prof. Hrvoje Njirić i izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivo Andrić
Starting Date: June 18, 2015
Ending Date: September 18, 2016
Total Budget: 2.892.581,40 kn
Web Page: https://web.archive.org/web/20181125212737/http://www.odrziva-gradnja.eu/
Project Summary:

Implementer of the project, together with project partners, is aiming with this project to contribute to resolving a key issues, which are low employment of experts in building sector due weak connectivity of educational programs with modern and relevant green and sustainable build knowledge and technologies, and inadequate level of knowledge of the professors in the terms of modern teaching techniques and Croatian qualification framework. These problems are meant to be solved by developing standard of profession, standard of qualification and a new master program in terms of sustainable and green build, education of the teaching stuff and development of key triple helix cooperation networks.


Project Title: Development and application of Croatian qualification framework in field of higher education of civil engineers (HR.3.1.15-0025)
Project Title in Croatian: Razvoj i primjena Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira u području visokog obrazovanja građevinskih inženjera
Principal Investigator: prof. dr. sc. Mirela Galić
Starting Date: June 18, 2015
Ending Date: September 18, 2016
Total Budget: 2.992.281,59 kn
Web Pages: http://www.okvir-hko.com/
Project Summary:

Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Osijek, as lead partner together with partners, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka and Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, University of Split are implementing activities in order to develop qualification standards and define learning outcomes for undergraduate and graduate studies at national level.  
Main goal of the project is to harmonize civil engineering studies with needs of industry and qualification standards for achieving socially acceptable levels of knowledge. The goal will be realized by utilizing means of new learning aids, new models of education that are in compliance with strategic and development national goals and needs of labor market.
Specific goals of project are:

  • Development of qualification standards for undergraduate and graduate studies for civil engineers
  • Development of study programs based on learning outcomes and in compliance with matching qualification standards
  • Enhancing teaching competences by means of knowledge transfer as part of education of teaching staff for new methods to teaching


European Social Fund (ESF)

European Social Fund is one of the main structural instruments of the EU, which enables the member states to invest in human capital and strengthen the competitiveness of the European economy. The activities financed by the European Social Fund help beneficiaries improve their skills and integrate within the labour market. They are aimed at fighting poverty and social exclusion, as well as at improving the efficiency of public administration.