The Quality Assurance Strategy

The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split (henceforth the Faculty), following its mission and vision, and in accordance with the highest national laws, international standards in higher education and management, has continually and systematically worked on the enhancement of the quality of teaching process and research, and professional, industry-related activities.

Indicators of success of the Faculty's policy are evaluated regularly by means of questionnaires administered to all the participants in the process. Evaluation is held both internally and externally and in accordance with the Faculty’s Guidelines for Quality Assurance and Enhancement. The quality assurance system is committed to upholding the highest standards and continuous monitoring of teaching and research process, and professional work in industry, and involves all the relevant participants in the process: students, employees, employers and representatives from the engineering industry.

The quality assurance system is founded on the following principles:

  • clearly defined goals, vision and strategy for the development of the Faculty, as well as means for achieving those aims
  • a continued development of the quality assurance system on the basis of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, national, University's and Faculty's standards, through the promotion and encouragement of an active participation of all units of the Faculty, and active engagement of students in the process of quality assurance
  • periodical internal and external independent evaluation of the quality assurance system in accordance with the recommendations of the Agency for Science and Higher Education
  • regular updating of study programmes based on innovation and recent scientific findings with the aim of enabling successful integration of young professionals into the labour market and their efficient response to ever-increasing challenges of the market
  • continuing professional development of the teaching and associate staff by encouraging them to acquire new and/or develop their existing skills and competences; fostering implementation of newly acquired skills in teaching, as well as an active involvement of students in research projects
  • continuous and systematic development of research and industry-related activities; publication of research results and the dissemination of new knowledge and expertise, with the aim of the improvement of the Faculty's status and prestige
  • continuous and systematic upgrade of scientific and research facilities and equipment as a prerequisite for a successful partaking in scientific research conducted in the Republic of Croatia, the European Union, and the world, as well as for successful cooperation between the Faculty and the industry in finding solutions to current challenges in the society
  • responsible and transparent financial management oriented primarily towards the development of the Faculty and the betterment of conditions for teaching process, scientific research, and industry-related activities
  • creating conditions for ethical, transparent, independent, impartial, and responsible work of the staff by adopting and applying the regulations of the quality assurance system
  • developing students' and employees' social competences and raising consciousness of the current needs in the society
  • involvement of both internal and external participants into the quality assurance process: students, employees, members of academia, industry, local and national communities.