Department of Transportation Engineering

Academic staff:


Study Course Semester Hours ECTS
Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering Roads
Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering Railways
Pavement Structures
Traffic Engineering
Road Interchanges
Urban Traffic Areas



Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Civil Engineering Traffic Flow Theory
Roads - Selected Shapters
Transportation Planning 
Undergraduate University Study of Architecture and Urban Planning Urban Traffic Areas and Objects V.   30+0 2,0
Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Roads III.   30+30 5,0
Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering Roads




Learning Outcomes:

Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Roads - a student will be able to:
- create a preliminary design of a rural road with a thorough understanding of the conditions for selecting  alignment elements (ground conditions, centrifugal forces, side impacts, horizontal and vertical clearance, road widening, superelevation transition ...);
- identify and analyse possible variants of alignment design , evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a particular variant, and select  a variant that best satisfies the set criteria;
- create an approximate table of work quantities and costs for a rural road;
- define locations  and choose the appropriate drainage facilities.

Railways - a student will be able to:
-  calculate the train traction; 
-  design horizontal and vertical alignment;
-  analyse and interpret the results of the track re-routing;
-  use design guidelines for the rail-road reconstruction;
-  apply the principles of designing the second track.


Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Railways - a student will be able to:
-  calculate the train traction; 
-  design horizontal and vertical alignment;
-  analyse and interpret the results of the track re-routing;
-  use design guidelines for the rail-road reconstruction;
-  apply the principles of designing the second track.

Pavement Structures – a student will be able to:
- design asphalt pavement;
- design concrete pavement;
- determine pavement rehabilitation;
- lead and/or control asphalt pavement construction;
- define the type of road damage and determine the way of rehabilitation;
- plan systematic road maintenance.

Traffic Engineering - a student will be able to:
- design a traffic planning procedure;
- select and apply the models for traffic demand forecast;
- define type and location of  intersection on road network;
- design the intersection;
- define the  main elements of street network;
- analyse capacity and level of service of intersections and road segments.

Road Interchanges - a student will be able to:
- determine the optimal location and the type of the interchange considering  the traffic volume  and distribution, the terrain conditions, the importance of the road;
- analyse possible variant solutions and select the appropriate ramp elements considering safety braking, visibility and superelevation conditions;
- create a preliminary design  of the horizontal and vertical alignment  with a complete understanding of the conditions for selecting  alignment elements (ground conditions, centrifugal force, side impact, horizontal and vertical visibility, road widening, superelevation transition;
- create a levelling project for ramp terminals.

Urban Traffic Areas - a student will be able to:
- determine locations and design parking areas (on- street and off-street parking and garage) regarding to ground conditions, land use and traffic demand;
- analyse the conditions (location, road importance, traffic volume), choose the optimal type of gas station access to the public road and create the preliminary design of the gas station's traffic areas;
- analyse the conditions (location, road importance, traffic volume), choose the optimal type of rest area and create the preliminary design of its traffic areas;
- determine the traffic areas for cyclists and pedestrians regarding  the defined traffic and street conditions, select the appropriate cross section and create the preliminary design of pedestrian and cycling routes.


Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Civil Engineering
Traffic Flow Theory - a student will be able to:
- select the traffic flow parameters required for the analysis (headway, critical time gap, free flow speed ...);
- evaluate and develop analytical models of unsignalised intersections traffic flow; 
- evaluate and develop analytical models of signalised intersections traffic flow; 
- evaluate and develop analytical models of  roundabout traffic flow;
- evaluate and develop analytical models of rural roads traffic flow; 
- evaluate and develop simulation models of traffic flow. 

Roads - Selected Shapters - a student will be able to:
- present the basics of vehicle movement theory and driving forces;
- determine the optimal route elements regarding the category of road, terrain conditions, side impact, visibility, etc.;
- select and design the optimal intersection type;
- justify the choice of model and procedure for traffic analysis; 
- determine the capacity of road network elements by applying different models;
- select the road management model.

Transportation Planning - a student will be able to:
- select the traffic model parameters required for the analysis;
- evaluate and develop trip generation models; 
- evaluate and develop trip distribution models; 
- evaluate and develop trip assignment models. 


Undergraduate University Study of Architecture and Urban Planning
Urban Traffic Areas and Objects
- a student will be able to:
- determine locations and design parking areas (on- street and off-street parking and garage) regarding to ground conditions, land use and traffic demand;
- regarding  the purpose and size of the area of shopping centres and other centres, determine the traffic demand, locate the access on public road, determine the number and location of parking lots, location for delivery and urgent vehicles, pedestrian corridors and create the conceptual design of the mentioned traffic areas;
- analyse the conditions (location, population, street classification, traffic volume), determine the required number of lanes and the optimal type and location of the access on public roads, and create a conceptual design.


Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Roads - a student will be able to:
- create a preliminary design of a rural road with a thorough understanding of the conditions for selecting  alignment elements (ground conditions, centrifugal forces, side impacts, horizontal and vertical clearance, road widening, superelevation transition ...);
- identify and analyse possible variants of alignment design , evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a particular variant, and select  a variant that best satisfies the set criteria;
- create an approximate table of work quantities and costs for a rural road;
- define locations  and choose the appropriate drainage facilities.


Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering
Roads - a student will be able to:
- create a preliminary design of a rural road with a thorough understanding of the conditions for selecting  alignment elements (ground conditions, centrifugal forces, side impacts, horizontal and vertical clearance, road widening, superelevation transition ...);
- identify and analyse possible variants of alignment design , evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a particular variant, and select  a variant that best satisfies the set criteria;
- create an approximate table of work quantities and costs for a rural road;
- define locations  and choose the appropriate drainage facilities.

Railways - a student will be able to:
-  calculate the train traction; 
-  design horizontal and vertical alignment;
-  analyse and interpret the results of the track re-routing;
-  use design guidelines for the rail-road reconstruction;
-  apply the principles of designing the second track.