Dr. sc. Boris Trogrlić
Boris Trogrlić, Ph.D.
Redoviti profesor, trajno zvanje
Full Professor, Tenure
Katedra za teoriju konstrukcija
Department of Theory of Structures
Zgrada-kat, ured: B-1, B 106
Building-floor, office: B-1, B 106
Telefon: 021/303-352
Phone: +385 21 303 352
Lokalni broj: 352
Local: 352
E-mail: boris.trogrlic@gradst.hr
Curriculum Vitae
Scientific area
CroRIS profile: https://www.croris.hr/osobe/profil/6535
Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering
- Building statics I (lectures)
- Building statics II (lectures)
Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering
- Masonry structures (lectures and exericses)
- Nonlinear building statics (lectures and exercises)
- Building physics (lectures and exercises)
- Computer aided design of structures (lectures and exercises)
Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering
- Execution of building works (lectures and exercises)
Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Civil Engineering
- Selected chapters of stability of structures
On working days at any time with prior notice/agreement via: E-mail, Merlin, Teams.
Boris Trogrlić - Životopis
Znanstvena djelatnost
CroRIS profil: https://www.croris.hr/osobe/profil/6535
Nastavna djelatnost
Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Građevinarstvo:
- Građevna statika I (pr)
- Građevna statika II (pr)
Sveučilišni diplomski studij Građevinarstvo:
- Zidane konstrukcije (pr/vj) - nastavni materijali
- Nelinearna građevna statika (pr/vj)
- Fizika zgrade (pr/vj)
- Projektiranje konstrukcije računalom (pr/vj)
Stručni prijediplomski studij Građevinarstvo:
- Izvođenje građevinskih radova (pr/vj)
Sveučilišni poslijediplomski (doktorski) studij Građevinarstvo:
- Odabrana poglavlja stabilnosti konstrukcija
Radnim danom u bilo kojem terminu uz prethodnu najavu/dogovor putem: E-mail-a, Merlina, Teams-a.