Department of Hydrology

Academic staff:


Study Course Semester Hours ECTS
Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering Hydrology III.   30+30 5,0
Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering Irrigation and Drainage
Engineering Hydrology
Stream Regulation
Karst Hydrology
Surface Water-Quality Modelling
Urban Hydrology

Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Civil Engineering Water Resources in Karst
Hydrological Modelling in Karst
Selected Chapters in Karst Hydrogeology
Analyses of Hydrological Time Series
Graduate University Study of Architecture and Urban Planning Integrated Environmental Protection III.   30+0 3,0
Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Selected Hydrological Topics   VI. 15+15 3,0  
Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering Hydrology
Water Protection




Learning Outcomes:

Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering
- a student will be able to:
- explore and analyse components of the hydrological cycle;
- apply and integrate the basic computational principles and concepts in hydrology;
- distinguish methods for measuring hydrological and meteorological parameters;
- evaluate the basic characteristics of rainfall and discharge;
- apply statistical methods to estimate discharge curve, duration curveand peak flows;
- apply synthetic unit hydrograph methods to estimate peak flows.


Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Irrigation and Drainage
- a student will be able to:
- determine the water balance elements for the design of irrigation and drainage systems based on up-to-date theoretical-practical principles;
- determine the evapotranspiration and explain the factors that  influence  the potential and actual evapotranspiration;
- understand the sources of water for irrigation and how water quantity and quality effects irrigation methods;
- determine the crop water requirements;
- evaluate different methods of irrigation with respect to soil conditions and crop types;
- distinguish advantages of surface and subsurface drainage;
- design of water delivery and distribution systems;
- organize irrigation process. 

Engineering Hydrology - a student will be able to:
- evaluate the key concepts in catchment hydrology;
- apply probability and statistics methods for hydrological description;
- estimate water balance;
- conceptualize catchment runoff to estimate peak flows;
- predict flood hydrograph using the unit hydrograph;
- apply flow routing methods to rivers and reservoirs.

Stream Regulation  – a student will be able to:
- evaluate hydrologic, hydraulic and morphologic characteristics of streams, as well as meteorological, climatologic, geographic and geologic characteristics of catchment;
- formulate mathematical description of stream flow and to evaluate critically possibilities of practical application in numerical modelling;
- estimate friction and effects of friction on stream flow;
- determine physical properties of sediment;
- estimate balance of sediment and evaluate streambed stability;
- predict possible deformation of streambed and to select technical solution;
- create plans for stream regulation and to select type of construction works;
- select streambed geometry, materials, constructive elements and type of regulation structures.

Karst Hydrology - a student will be able to:
- identify and recognize karst landforms;
- analyse hydrological processes in karst;
- estimate water balance in karst;
- determine basic hydrological characteristics of karst water resources;
- discuss human impacts on karst water resources.

Surface Water - Quality Modelling -  a student will be able to:
- estimate relevant physical, chemical and biological processes in surface water ecosystems influenced by pressures from land;
- select appropriate mathematical descriptions of processes of transfer and assimilation of pollution;
- evaluate possibilities of practical application of mathematical descriptions for water quality modelling;
- calibrate and verify mathematical models;  
- validate results of mathematical modelling.

Urban Hydrology - a student will be able to:
- comprehend the relevant hydrological knowledge on urban catchments;
- explore and analyse components of urban water cycle;
- define  basic data requirements for urban catchment description;
- provide  design storms;
- evaluate methods for urban catchment runoff modelling;
- estimate flood hydrographs and peak flows for urban catchments.


Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Civil Engineering
Water Resources in Karst - a student will be able to:
- to synthesize the specifics of the karst area for the purposes of proposing and dragting water protection measures;
- to formulate a model for assessing the condition of water resources in karst;
- to predict the effects of pressures on water resources in the karst;
- to link and to improve the various solutions offered to the many practical and theoretical problems related to water management in karst areas.

Ecohydrology - a student will be able to:
- to link the main principles of ecology and hydrology in solving various engineering problems in ecohydrology;
- to formulate the main interaction between the ecological system and the hydrological cycle and to predict their resilience with respect to anthropogenic effects and other pressures on both systems;
- to organize regulatory relations of hydrological and ecological processes based on the integral system approach (integrated river basin management);
- to predict the availability of water in the future and the level of stress generated to the living world due to the lack of it.

Hydrological Modelling in Karst - a student will be able to:
- evaluate the existing data and knowledge of research area;
- select optimal type of hydrological model;
- develop hydrological model;
- implement the model calibration and verification procedure;
- validate the obtained results.

Selected Chapters in Karst Hydrogeology - a student will be able to: 
- to organize the characteristics of morphological phenomena in karst and to link them with the groundwater flow;
- to evaluate different terrain features depending on water permeability; 
- to synthetize knowledge of karst morphology and field water permeability for the purpose of suggesting sanitary protection zones;
- to formulate and to present the hydrodynamic zone in karst;
- to perform calculating procedures for evaluating water losses from accumulation in karst.

Analyses of Hydrological Time Series - a student will be able to:
- investigate hydrological time series by descriptive techniques;
- create time series models in the time domain;
- forecast the future values of hydrological time series;
- analyse hydrological time series in the frequency domain;
- describe linear systems in the time and frequency domain.


Graduate University Study of Architecture and Urban Planning
Integrated Environmental Protection
-  a student will be able to:
- analyze interactions between human activities in urban areas and processes in environment;
- identify pressures from urban areas;
- anticipate possible impacts of pressures on urban areas and their environment;
- recommend measures and activities in environmental protection;
- comment results of environmental impact assessment;
- create plans of urban areas following the principal of sustainable development.


Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Selected Hydrological Topics
 - a student will be able to:
- explore and analyse components of hydrological cycle;
- apply mathematical and statistical methods to solve hydrology problems;
- prepare elementary hydrological calculations in hydrology;
- analyse the components of hydrograph;
- evaluate rainfall  and discharge characteristics; 
- apply concepts of rainfall losses and unit hydrograph theory;
- use frequency analysis in hydrology.


Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering
- a student will be able to:
- explore and analyse components of the hydrological cycle;
- apply and integrate the basic computational principles and concepts in hydrology;
- distinguish methods for measuring hydrological and meteorological parameters;
- evaluate the basic characteristics of rainfall and discharge;
- apply statistical methods to estimate discharge curve, duration curveand peak flows;
- apply synthetic unit hydrograph methods to estimate peak flows.

Water Protection - a student will be able to:
- analyse relations between human activities and processes in water resources;
- identify pressures on water resources;
- asses possible impacts of pressures on quality of water resources;
- comment results of water quality analyses;
- comment required measures and activities in protection of water resources;
- anticipate necessary level and process of wastewater treatment;
- work out technical drawings of wastewater treatment plants and wastewater disposal systems.