University Undergraduate Study Programme of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy lasts three academic years and is divided into six semesters.
Upon the completion of University Undergraduate Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics a Bachelor's degree (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) in Geodesy and Geoinformatics is awarded.
A University Bachelor in Geodesy and Geoinformatics possess the following skills and competencies:
- To evaluate measurement methods, technologies, computation and visualisation of measurements and geospatial data.
- To critically assess and to develop real estate registrations, land development actions and methods for land valuation.

- To independently interpret the laws and regulations governing geodetic and geoinformatic tasks.
- Recommend and apply mathematical and physical methods in solving non-standard geodetic and geoinformatic tasks.
- To independently operate with and examine the validity of geodetic instruments and measuring accessories.
- To perform geodetic measurements independently and evaluate their quality.
- To plan and independently perform geodetic works on state survey, maintenance of real estate registrations, construction of buildings, valuation and real estate management.
- To design and independently compose large and small scale maps and geospatial analysis.
- To independently maintain geospatial databases and geographic information systems.
- To propose the application of recently developed information technologies for the collection, processing and management of data.
- To differentiate the sources and nature of errors in geodetic measurements or computer data processing and select the method for errors removal.
- To communicate with parties and geodetic and related experts in the interpretation of regulations, standards and norms, interpretation of results, and prevention of possible misunderstandings.
- To organize teamwork on jobs in office or field in cases where the task is more complex, has large volume or has long duration.
- To evaluate and plan the professional development of team members in conditions of intensive development of technology and services, legal framework, and professional norms and standards.
Holders of this degree are encouraged to continue their education in the area of geodesy and geoinformatics or any other related discipline and to nurture the culture of lifelong learning and continuous professional development.
During University Undergraduate Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics students acquire 180 ECTS credits.
Upon the completion of the undergraduate study level, candidates meet the entry requirements to University Graduate Studies of Geodesy and Geoinformatics.
Organisation of Study
University Undergraduate Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics is carried out at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy of the University of Split.
The Curriculum is comprised of compulsory and elective courses and is adjusted to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) according to which 60 ECTS credits are acquired during one academic year.
Course Information Sheet for the actual academic year