Department of Hydromechanics and Hydraulics

Academic staff:


Study Course Semester Hours ECTS
Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering Hydromechanics   IV. 45+45 7,0
Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering Hydraulics I.   45+30 6,0
Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering Basics of Water Engineering   IV. 30+30 5,0



Learning outcomes: 

Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Hydromechanics – a student will be able:
- to calculate stationary flow in the pipeline system under the pressure;
- to calculate hydrodynamic force on elbow or fork;
- to calculate the flow under the water-gate; 
- to calculate the sharp-edge spillway;
- to calculate uniform and non-uniform flow in open channels with steep and slight slope;
- to define the flow regime in open channels;
- to calculate the piezometric levels of groundwater in aquifer under the pressure and in aquifer with free level surface, for stationary flow;
- to calculate the water in take in the gallery shape.


Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering
– a student will be able:
- to calculate submerged flow under the water-gate;
- to calculate submerged overflow over the sharp-edged spillway and broad-crested weir;
- to design spillway using WES standard and USBR methodology;
- to calculate cascades;
- to calculate and design deepen of stilling basin;
- to calculate stationary flow in water supplay system;
- to calculate non-stationary phenomena in the accumulation system, the supply tunnel and the water chamber;
- to calculate the water hammer in the pipeline with negligible friction, as well as in the friction pipeline,when the valve closes slowly or suddenly;
- to alculate non-stationary phenomena in an pressure system with vessel;
- to calculate seepage below the foundation of the object and to define the vertical forces to the base of the object;
- to analyse the non-stationary water pumping experiment from borehole under the presure.


Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering
Basics of Water Engineering
- student will be able:
- to calculate stationary flow in system under the pressure with pipes in line;
- to calculate hydrodynamic force on elbow or fork;
- to calculate the flow under the water-gate;
- to calculate the sharp-edge spillway;
- to design spillway using WES standard methodology;
- to calculate uniform flow in open trapezoidal channels;
- to define the flow regime in open channels;
- to calculate the line pressure resistance curve and determine the working point of the pumping plant;
- to calculate the stilling basin.