Department of Strength of Materials and Structural Testings

Academic staff:


Study Course Semester Hours ECTS
Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering Strength of Materials I
Strength of Materials II
Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering Mechanics of Materials
Testing of Structures

Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Civil Engineering Metodologija i tehnika znanstvenoistraživačkog rada
Numeričke metode mehanike materijala
Eksperimentalne metode



Learning Outcomes:

Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Strength of Materials I
– a student will be able to:
- calculate orientation and quantity of the main stresses;
- calculate strains and deformations (components, relationships, strain tensor, orientations and quantity of main strains and deformations);
- calculate and analyse stress state due to the longitudinal and transversal forces, and bending and torsion moments;
- analyse and calculate simple connections.

Strength of Materials II – a student will be able to:
- mathematically write out elastic line of the girder and calculate deflection and angle;
- solve simple static undetermined systems;
- calculate and analyse multiaxial stress state;
- calculate stress state for beams exposed to complex loading;
- calculate and control stability of line structures;
- interpret the bases for the calculations according to the theory of plasticity.


Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Testing of Structures
– a student will be able to:
- analyse the behaviour of the structural elements based upon performed tests;
- estimate the behaviour of the structure under static and dynamic loading, ambient influences and reological changes in the material;
- select and apply equipment, procedures and methods for testing of structures;
- plan the states of the structures and structural elements based upon performed tests;
- prove the ability of the structures and structural elements to withstand anticipated loads.

Mechanics of Materials – a student will be able to:
- analyze mechanical properties according to the prescribed methods and norms for testing;
- evaluate the structure of the materials, structural sensibility, and the application of selective or additive theory;
- interpret methods for determining mechanical properties of the material;
- interpret strength of the material upon cyclic loading;
- recognize the meaning of the reology and fracture mechanics;
- comment the methods for hardness testing of the material;
- test the materials with non-destructive techniques;
- apply the experimental analysis of stresses and strains in determining physical and mechanical properties of the materials.