Department of Engineering Mechanics

Academic staff:


Study Course Semester Hours ECTS
Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering Mechanics II III.   45+30 6,0
Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
Surface Structures
Construction of Historical Buildings
Tunnels and Underground Structures


Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Civil Engineering Meshless Numerical Methods and the Associated Adaptive Techniques
Numerical Modeling of Shell Structures
Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering Technical Mechanics I
Technical Mechanics II




Learning Outcomes:

Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Mechanics II
- a student will be able to:
- mathematically describe the basic types of material point motion;
- formulate a mathematical and numerical model for describing the motion of the material points and the rigid body;
- analytically and numerically determine the one degree of freedom system response for different types of oscillating movement initiatives.


Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 
- a student will be able to:
- apply the basic energy principles and the theory of elastic behavior of materials in solving the various problems of mechanics of deformable bodies;
- use different linear and nonlinear models of materials;
- interpret the relationship between a mathematical model and approximate approaches based on energy principles;
- critically analyze the global and local displacement and stress fields for different construction structures and explain local effects in places of concentrated action.

Surface Structures - a student will be able to:
- distinguish types of surface structures and understand the justification of their application;
- properly interpret the basic principles of surface girders and their related analyticand approximate solutions;
- independently create a numerical model of construction made up of surface and liner elements;
- analyze the stresses in plates and shells and selfevaluate the analysis results;
- model and analyze surface structures with the help of a software package.

Construction of Historical Buildings - a student will be able to:
- evaluate a particular historical object and analyze the original supporting system;
- independently perform all necessary checks on the choice of materials for reconstruction and their compatibility with the existing state;
- analyze the mechanical resistance of the structure from the aspect of the existing state and purpose of the object, from the aspect of possible use of modern materials and from the aspect of its future use;
- organize teamwork with architects, conservators, archaeologists and other professionals as needed.

Tunnels and Underground Structures - a student will be able to:
- create project documentation of tunnels and underground structures;
- manage all stages of tunneling and underground construction.


Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering
Technical Mechanics I 
- a student will be able to:
- classify types of supporting structures;
- examine the kinematic stability of constructive systems;
- analyze the balance of constructive systems under the influence of static forces;
- calculate the forces in the barsof the planarbraced girders;
- calculate statically-defined planar beam girders;
- make diagrams of the distribution of internal forces in statically-defined plane girders;
- distinguish static definite constructions from the static indefinite ones.

Technical Mechanics II - a student will be able to:
- analyze stress and strain in the plane;
- calculate the extreme stress values in some parts of the bearing structures;
- make stress distribution diagrams in the beam element under the action of longitudinal force, transverse force and bending moment;
- calculate and draw the elastic line of beam girders under the static load;
- calculate static undefined planar beam supports;
- calculate the critical force of the rod buckling and check the loss of elastic stability;
- analyze the appearance of the plastic rendering of the beam.