PMO-GATE - Preventing, Managing and Overcoming Natural-Hazards Risks to mitiGATE economic and social impact
Summary and general objective
The project "Preventing, Managing and Overcoming Natural-Hazards Risks to mitiGATE economic and social impact" (PMO-GATE), began in January 2019. The overall objectives of the project are to jointly develop an innovative methodology for preventing, managing and overcoming multi-hazard natural disasters in the involved Italy-Croatia NUTS, and to increase the level of protection and resilience against natural disasters specific of the IT-HR NUTS, such as river and sea floods, meteo-tsunamis and earthquakes.
The proposed approach is based on the integration among risk evaluation, prevention, preparedness and response actions against relevant natural hazards. The three pillars of the approach are: capitalization of the available heritage of expertise of IT-HR NUTS in natural hazards management, definition of probabilistic scenarios with detailed analysis of the territorial vulnerabilities in the respect of the community legislation governing the Strategic Environmental Assessment and effective communication strategies that increase awareness and perception in population and public agencies, through a two-way conversation between IT-HR NUTS and affected community members.
The present project will allow to prevent, manage and overcome natural hazard risks, safe-guard human lives and socio-economic and the socio-cultural heritage. In particular, PMO-GATE intends to create a synergy between local authorities, Research Institutes, schools and Universities and citizens, in order to evaluate and manage multi-hazard risks typical of Emilia and Croatian environments.
Specific objectives
- Definition of single-hazard exposure indexes;
- Definition of multi-hazard exposure indexes;
- Implementation of awareness measures.
Main activities
- Assessment of floods exposure in coastal and urban areas;
- Assessment of meteo-tsunami exposure in coastal areas;
- Assessment of climate-unrelated hazards exposure in urban and coastal areas (seismic action);
- Assessment of combined flood-seismic hazards;
- Assessment of combined seismic-flood-meteo tsunami hazards;
- Improved early warning system for single risks;
- Improved early warning system for multi-hazard risk;
- Risk management plan.
Expected results
The purpose of the project and cross-border cooperation is increasing the level of protection, resiliency and natural risk prevention, such as floods, earthquakes and meteo-tsunamis, in the relevant Adriatic area. Planned project results are:
- Increase of the scientific knowledge about the multiple vulnerabilities of the IT-HR NUTS involved in the project;
- Implementation of the acquired knowledge into existing multi-hazard risk management plan;
- Implementation of an early warning system that will decrease environmental and economic losses. The multi-risk analysis is based on integrated and multidisciplinary analysis of all data into a single integrated model capable of providing a support to decision to emergency managers and civil protection agencies.
The partnership includes the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara as the Lead partner (UNIFE), the University Of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy (UNIST-FGAG), Public Institution RERA SD, for Coordination and Development of Split Dalmatia County, and the Municipality of Kastela, the National Institute Of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology Roma (INGV) and the Municipality of Ferrara. UNIST-FGAG is in charge of the implementation of Work Package 3 - Assessment of single-hazard exposure in coastal and urban areas and Work Package 4 - Assessment of multi-hazard exposure in coastal and urban areas.
The project is funded under the 2014 - 2020 Interreg V-A, Italy-Croatia CBC Program. The total value of the project is € 1.429.112,05 of which 85% is funded from the European Regional Development Fund. The estimated duration of the project is the end of June 2021.