Operational programme Competitiveness and Cohesion (OPCC) co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF)


Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion is the primary programming document which implements EU Cohesion Policy and contributes to the objective “Investments for Growth and Employment” through fostering infrastructural investments (in the fields of transport, energy, environmental protection, ICT) and providing support to entrepreneurship and research activities development.

Project Title: COMON – Coastal zone monitoring using multi-scaling methods (KK.
Project Title in Croatian: Monitoring obalnog područja koristeći višeskalne metode
Principal Investigator: Roko Andričević, Ph.D.
Starting Date: December 21, 2020
Ending Date: December 20, 2023
Total Budget: 6.889.375,34 kn
Web Pages: https://comon-project.com/
Project Summary:

Project COMON (COastal MONitoring) aims to apply innovative solutions for continuous coastal ecosystem monitoring as a foundation for their integral management. The Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea, due to its coastal lengthiness and a great number of islands, faces significant anthropogenic pressures, which are the result of economic growth and the increasingly more pronounced influence of climate change. COMON offers a united monitoring concept of Adriatic coastal waters processes on different scales, thus developing the methodology of spatial update with geostatistics methods and numerical modelling methods. Final results in the form of mapping for water quality parameters might be used in different future loading models and/or climate change effects on the coastal domain. Such an output presents a vital tool for sustainable spatial planning and developing tourism strategies on local and regional levels. The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy (FGAG) is the project leader, and the project partner is Green infrastructure d.o.o. from Zagreb.

The total value of the project is HRK 6.889.375,34. Amount co-financed by the European Union with grants from the European Structural and Investment Funds in the financial period 2014-2020 amounts to HRK 5.537.725,34.


Project Title: PINNA NOBILIS SSMA-19 (KK.01.2.1. 02.0176)
Project Title in Croatian: PINNA NOBILIS SSMA-19
Principal Investigator: Veljko Srzić, Ph.D.
Starting Date: November 17, 2020
Ending Date: September 16, 2023
Total Budget: 3.461.261,17 kn
Web Pages: https://comon-project.com/
Project Summary: The aim of the PINNA NOBILIS SSMA-19 project is to increase the quality of services in tourism and maritime transport with a focus on applying sustainable technologies and the preservation of natural aquatic ecosystems, and to develop a reliable system for anchoring vessels in conditions of a realistically represented foundation soil, adaptable to all sea bed conditions and suitable for vessels and wave fields with variable characteristics. This innovative product is the result of Croatian intelligence, knowledge and experience, and is unique and competitive on the European market.


Project Title: Increasing the development of new wood industry products used in construction (KK.
Project Title in Croatian: Povećanje razvoja novih proizvoda drvne industrije koji se koriste u građevini
Principal Investigator: Ivica Boko, Ph.D.
Starting Date: September 30, 2020
Ending Date: September 30, 2023
Total Budget: 1.816.636,45 €
Web Pages: https://gradst.unist.hr/istrazivanje/projekti/opkk/povecanje-razvoja-novih-proizvoda-drvne-industrije-koji-se-koriste-u-gra%C4%91evini
Project Summary: The goal of the project is the development of new products, i.e. glued laminated hardwood supports, in order for the company to use the knowledge of the Organization for Research and Dissemination of Knowledge and with the application of high KET technologies to prepare for the market, which in the future, due to public pressure, will increasingly demand LLN manufactured from hardwood wood. Today, there are technical permits for the production of LLN from conifers, which are found in the environment or in the forests. The project continues with professional studies and articles in professional magazines that have been saying for some time that for the sake of biodiversity and better availability of raw materials, the technology of producing LLN from hardwood should be developed. Although it is certainly possible to find ready-made hardwood products today, they are made without technical permits, which means that they have not been tested, that the application of glue and the structure of the glue itself have not been properly developed, which means that such products are unsafe for life. ​


Project Title: VODIME – Waters of Imotski region (KK.
Project Title in Croatian: Vode imotske krajine
Principal Investigator: Ivo Andrić, Ph.D.
Starting Date: June 01, 2020
Ending Date: June 01, 2023
Total Budget: 11.305.311,57 kn
Web Pages: https://vodime.eu/
Project Summary: Due to climate changes in the light of rising temperatures, warming of surface waters, a significant drop in surface and underground water levels, and a decrease in water availability, drastic changes are predicted in the future that will affect the entire region. The impact of climate change on the water resources of this area is also reflected in other sectors that depend on water or affect its condition, especially agriculture, energy and tourism. The mutual intertwining and dynamic connections between energy, water and food when managing these resources is united by the "EWF nexus" method (Eng. energy-water-food nexus), which enables observation of the effects that a decision in a particular sector produces in other sectors and a coordinated approach that it takes into account feedback, compromises and synergies between sectors, which is why it is an important tool in adapting to climate change. By using the "EWF connection" method during the implementation of research in the covered area, a balance will be established in the management of vulnerable sectors, and a multidisciplinary, integral approach will enable complete and effective adaptation measures to climate change. In order to create adaptation measures, the applicant and project partners will conduct applied research, the backbone of which is the continuous monitoring of water quality and quantity, climatic parameters, and modeling of the wider hydrogeological system of the Imotski field. Based on the collected data and models, the impact of climate change on water resources will be analyzed, the level of adverse effects of climate change on the agricultural sector and its vulnerability in terms of determining the most affected agricultural crops will be assessed, the utilization of hydropower potentials, as well as the possibilities of applying renewable sources will be examined. of energy in Imotski polje and its use for the purpose of a hybrid reversible plant. The collected data will also be used to analyze the impact of climate change on tourism, which is a promising sector of the area's economy. In order to carry out the analyses, all collected data will be consolidated in a previously established database that will be available to the academic community and other stakeholders at different security levels. In addition, actual data on the state of the lake from the established database will be displayed on 3 information panels set up in the city of Imotski and next to the Blue and Red Lakes and thus be available to the general public.


Project Title: Perm-Beton - Development of drainage system in horizontal structures with 
permeable concrete (KK.01.2.1. 02.0187)
Project Title in Croatian: Razvoj sustava odvodnje na horizontalnim površinama od propusnog betona
Principal Investigator: Hrvoje Gotovac, Ph.D.
Starting Date: August 17, 2020
Ending Date: December 31, 2023
Total Budget: 11.305.311,57 kn
Web Pages:  
Project Summary:  


Project Title: CAAT – Development of technology for assessment of autopurification capabilities of coastal waters (KK.
Project Title in Croatian: Razvoj tehnologije za procjenu autopurifikacijskih sposobnosti priobalnih voda
Principal Investigator: Roko Andričević, Ph.D.
Starting Date: December 20, 2019
Ending Date: December 20, 2022
Total Budget: 7.156.744,99 kn
Web Pages: http://caat-project.com/
Project Summary:

The CAAT (Coastal Autopurification Assessment Technology) project aims to apply fundamental research in oceanographic and atmospheric modeling that will be related to the flow and transport of surface and groundwater runoff to the Adriatic coastal waters to quantify the actual load on these water bodies and their potential auto-purification capabilities. The models and methodologies mentioned above are based on the previous research activities of all project partners.

The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy (FGAG) is the project leader, and the partners are the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB), the Faculty of Science (PMF) and the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IZOR).
The CAAT project directly contributes to the overall goal of the science and innovation investment program, which is to increase market oriented RDI (research, development, and innovation) activities. This funding program addresses market failures due to insufficient investment in RDI activities in the Republic of Croatia. It does so by supporting collaborative projects of scientific organizations and disseminating results to the business sector.

The total value of the project is HRK 7.156.744,99. Amount co-financed by the European Union with grants from the European Structural and Investment Funds in the financial period 2014-2020 amounts to HRK 6.034.318,11.


Project Title: Z2GRADE – Development and Application of Advanced Construction Materials for Building Healthy Houses: Protection from Nonionizing Radiation (KK.
Project Title in Croatian: Razvoj i primjena naprednih građevinskih materijala za izgradnju zdravih zgrada
Principal Investigator: Boris Trogrlić, Ph.D.
Starting Date: December 20, 2019
Ending Date: June 20, 2023
Total Budget: 7.193.146,79 kn
Web Pages:  
Project Summary: The Z2GRADE project will increase market-oriented research, development and innovation activities through the cooperation of scientific organizations through research and development of advanced building materials that reduce the negative impact of EMF/non-ionizing radiation on health and ensure their application in the economy, especially in the field of "healthy" building construction, which will ultimately contribute to reducing the impact of EMF/non-ionizing radiation on human health.


Project Title: INFRA – From implementation of contemporary scientific and research infrastructure at FGAG to smart specialisation in green and energy efficient building (KK.
Project Title in Croatian: Implementacijom suvremene znanstveno-istraživačke infrastrukture na FGAG do pametne specijalizacije u zelenoj i energetski učinkovitoj gradnji
Principal Investigator: Nikša Jajac, Ph.D.
Starting Date: May 1, 2018
Ending Date: September 30, 2021
Total Budget: 82.772.609,88 kn
Web Pages: https://www.infra-fgag.eu/
Project Summary:

Overall  objective of the project is to contribute to the development of research activities of the University of Split and wider community, with emphasis on smart specialization in environmentally friendly technologies, equipment, advanced materials  and transport solutions.

Implementation of the project will raise the level of scientific research, projects, innovations and patent applications in green and sustainable construction, environmental care, sustainable urban planning of intelligent cities and transport.

Project activities and specific objectives:

  • Reconstruction of existing buildings and laboratories in Split – to increase energy efficiency of buildings and to install new scientific and research equipment
  • Reconstruction and upgrade of laboratories in Žrnovnica – to install new scientific and research equipment
  • Purchase of scientific research equipment for 11 laboratories 
  • Implementation of organizational reform of the FGAG R&D sector – to monitor usage and outputs of purchased equipment; to establish system of continuous cooperation with national and international scientific research centres and economies


Project Title: STIM-REI (KK.
Project Title in Croatian: STIM-REI
Principal Investigator: Roko Andričević, Ph.D.
Starting Date: October 15, 2017
Ending Date: October 15, 2023
Total Budget: 37.999.788,07 kn
Web Pages: https://stim.unist.hr/
Project Summary: STIM-REI, a project of the Center of Excellence for Science and Technology - Integration of Mediterranean Region (STIM) connects research (R), innovation (I) and education (E) through three project elements based on the international excellence of scientists and the choice of research directions of key importance for societal needs. The mission is a unique integration of the triangle research - innovation - education. The fundamental guidelines of the Project remove the boundaries between research disciplines and provide a basis for new interdisciplinary research by national and international networking. Our innovation system brings together all aspects of project elements, including long-term cooperation between academia and industry, providing a unique opportunity for the practical application of research results. The STIM-REI project enabled the acquisition of modern equipment as a fundamental condition for internationally competitive and innovative research The results of newly employed young researchers in Croatia are already opening the door to international recognition and long-term success.


European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is one of the main financial instruments of the EUʼs cohesion policy. It was created in 1975 with the purpose of contributing to reducing disparities between the levels of development of European regions and to improving living standards in the least-favoured regions. Particular attention is paid to regions that suffer from severe and permanent natural or demographic disadvantages, such as the northernmost regions, which have very low population densities, and island, cross-border and mountainous regions.

Cohesion Fund (CF)

The Cohesion Fund was set up in 1994 and provides funding for environmental and trans-European network projects in the Member States whose gross national income per capita is less than 90% of the EU average.


Operational Programme Regional Competitiveness (OPRC)

The programme "Regional competitiveness" aims at supporting the unleashing of the economic potential by increasing the regional potential for economic development, developing entrepreneurship and the support to SMEs, and fostering the innovation and transfer of technology in the country.

Project Title: Implementation of modern scientific research infrastructure at FGAG leading to smart specialization in green and energy efficient construction (KK.
Project Title in Croatian: Implementacijom suvremene znanstveno-istraživačke infrastrukture na FGAG Split do pametne specijalizacije u zelenoj i energetski učinkovitoj gradnji
Principal Investigator: Boris Trogrlić, Ph.D.
Starting Date: January 21, 2016
Ending Date: September 01, 2016
Total Budget: 2.107.242,50 kn
Web Pages: https://stim.unist.hr/
Project Summary: