
The mission of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy is subject to ensuring high quality education for students of all study programs, encouraging academic and scientific excellence, and promoting science and innovation for the enhancement of civil engineering profession.

The mission of the Faculty includes the following fundamental aspects:

1. Quality education of students: Ensuring higher education based on fundamental, applied and interdisciplinary knowledge adapted to the contemporary modern needs of civil engineering, architecture and geodesy practices.

2. Critical thinking: Encouraging critical thinking, creativity and professional skills necessary to successfully prepare the students for future careers and active participation in society.

3. Academic principles: Fostering ethical values in academic society, integrity and openness to different perspectives. Supporting freedom of expression and critical thinking to create a stimulating environment for academic growth and development.

4. Scientific research: Encouraging research and development in the fields of civil engineering, architecture and geodesy. Contributing to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and solving key social challenges through cooperation with other scientific and educational institutions and industry partners on competitive scientific and research projects.

5. Advancing science and innovation in the civil engineering sector: Encouraging progress and innovation in the civil engineering sector, supported by cooperation with industry partners. We aim to reach a leading position in fundamental and applied research, development of new technologies and practices to continuously stimulate the development of civil engineering professions and their sustainability.

6. Cooperation with the community: Cooperation of the Faculty with the local and regional community, providing professional support, education and participation in projects contributing to the development of the county and the city of Split. Our purpose is to contribute to the sustainable development and improvement of living conditions in our environment.

Accomplishment of specific elements of the mission, and acting according to the principles of the ESG standards, the Croatian Qualification Framework and superordinate strategic documents, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy aspires to become a centre of excellence in higher education, scientific research, and advancement of the civil engineering profession.


The vision of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy is the pursuit of establishing itself as a leading scientific and higher education institution with a significant impact on society and the profession, achieved through innovative approaches and technologies in the civil engineering sector at the regional level. Our vision is manifested in the following development elements:

1. Continuous development of study programs: The vision of the Faculty encompasses the constant development and improvement of study programs to ensure that our students acquire the relevant knowledge and skills necessary for the dynamic and changing environment of civil engineering, architecture, and geodesy. We strive to ensure that our programs reflect the contemporary trends and demands of the labour market.

2. Continuous promotion of scientific findings: The Faculty wishes to be recognised as a centre of excellence in research and generating new scientific knowledge in the fields of civil engineering, architecture, and geodesy. We encourage scientific creativity and support researchers in their efforts to contribute to the development of new technologies, practices, and sustainable solutions.

3. Cooperation with industry and public sector partners: We believe that cooperation with industrial partners and the public sector is a key element in linking theory and practice. Through active partnership with leading organisations, companies, and institutions, we want to provide our students with practical experience and the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in the real world.

4. Utilisation of FCEAG Laboratory: The Faculty is dedicated to the development and maintenance of modern laboratories equipped with the state-of-the-art scientific and research equipment. FCEAG laboratories enable students and researchers to conduct advanced research, testing and analysis, fostering innovation and practical application of knowledge.

By accomplishing its vision, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy strives to be recognised as an innovative, relevant, and professional institution, fostering progress in the civil engineering sector and actively contributing to society and the community through its activities and impact.

Scope of Activities of the Faculty


  • Organizing and carrying out university undergraduate and graduate studies in the field of Civil Engineering and in the field of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Organizing and carrying out professional study in the field of Civil Engineering
  • Organizing and carrying out postgraduate university study in the field of Civil Engineering leading to obtaining an academic Ph.D. degree (doctoral studies)
  • Organizing and carrying out postgraduate specialist studies in the field of Civil Engineering leading to obtaining a specialist master's degree
  • Organizing and carrying out programmes of lifelong learning/permanent education in the field of Civil Engineering and in the field of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Providing professional education and professional development programmes in environmental protection
  • Organizing and carrying out programmes of professional development in Civil Engineering
  • Carrying out scientific research in the field of Civil Engineering, in the field of Architecture and Urban Planning, and within the scientific disciplines related to the scientific field of Civil Engineering and to the scientific field of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Organizing and engaging in scientific research concerning the development and application of engineering, physical and numerical modelling and analysis in the fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning, and in other fields that are of interest both to Civil Engineering faculties and other technical faculties
  • Proposing developmental and scientific research programmes
  • Organizing and participating in the realization of international projects
  • Organizing domestic and international conferences, independently or in cooperation with other domestic and foreign institutions
  • Organizing and carrying out research and professional work serving the needs of economy
  • Performing highly professional and artistic work in the field of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Performing professional physical planning tasks pertaining to the production of documents on physical planning and expert foundations for issuing location permits
  • Carrying out studies of complex structures and systems
  • Designing complex structures and systems
  • Producing expert foundations and performing studies of environmental protection
  • Conducting environmental impact studies
  • Carrying out geotechnical studies and geotechnical investigation
  • Performing noise measurement and noise prediction
  • Performing laboratory analysis in the field of Civil Engineering
  • Conducting reviews and experimental work
  • Performing consulting and expert work
  • Providing consultancy services and supervision in the fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Ecology, Physical Planning, and Technical Equipment
  • Providing technical documentation inspection services in accordance with the Building Act and the Ordinance on Design Audit
  • Performing validation in the fields of Architectural Design and Civil Engineering Design
  • Programming, testing and interpretation of computer software packages
  • Publishing.

The Faculty is allowed to perform other activities on a small scale without having to register in the Register of Corporations provided that they serve for the betterment of the registered activity and contribute to the space and personnel capacity utilization and to the equipment utilization.