Department of Water Management and Water Protection

Academic staff:


Study Cours Semester Hours ECTS
Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering Water Supply and Sewerage System V.   30+30 5,0
Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering Hydrotechnical Systems
Protection of Water Resources, Muncipal Wastewater and Stormwater Treatment
Muncipal Solid Waste Management








Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Civil Engineering

Sytems Engineering in Planning and Management of Water Reservoirs
Sustainable Urban Water Systems

Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering Water Supply and Sewerage System III.   30+30 5,0



Learning Outcomes:

Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Water Supply and Sewerage System - a student will be able to:
- to understand the processes and operation of the urban water system;
- to plan the development and improvement of urban water system operation;
- to evaluate the state of existing urban water system’s elements and to design new ones using standard techniques and available tools; 
- to design the urban water system and its structures;
- to continue specialization in the field urban water system.


Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering
Hydrotechnical Systems - a student will be able to:
- to understand and to interpret water systems as part of river basins and as subsystems of eco system and socio-economic system;
- to understand and to apply a systematic approach in water management using different analysis tools;
- to distinguish water functions in the natural environment and the socio-economic system;
- to define the basic characteristics of the subsystems of water management. 
- to interpret the legal frame work and guidelines;
- to apply the basic setup of the water management planning process;
- to calculate the volume characteristics of water reservoirs and to design water reservoirs for different purposes in the water management system;
- to address practical water management issues and to evaluate possible solutions;
- to apply different tools and techniques for systems analysis by addressing the water management problems.

Protection of Water Resources, Muncipal Wastewater and Stormwater Treatment - a student will be able to:
- to identify and to evaluate characteristics of water pollution;
- to understand the systematic approach for protection of water resources and the integral water protection concept;
- to calculate and to perform pollution budgeting as well as pollutant concentrations, to apply regulations and to determine the required degree of purification;
- to plan and to design wastewater treatment plants (WWTP);
- to assess the environmental impact of WWTP, to define the protection measures and the solution for re-use of purified water and sludge;
- to identify the problems in the WWTP operation,to provide guidelines for their solution;
- to identify and to evaluate the system of sustainable management of the WWTP;
- to calculate and to perform pollution budgeting as well as pollutant concentrations for the stormwater, to apply regulations and to determine the degree and required purification technology of rainwater;
- to design rainwater treatment plants;
- to apply the integral concept of rainwater management.

Muncipal Solid Waste Management - a student will be able to:
- to understand Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management system and its components;
- to analyze and calculate basic waste budgeting of the system;
- to understand and evaluate the economic, ecological and social components of the solutions to MSW managing issues;
- to define basic planes for MSW management;
- to understand and analyze the biological waste characteristics and to evaluate different recovery technologies;
- to understand and to evaluate MSWreuse technologies through chemical processes;
- to understand the principles of the circular economy and apply its main features to the various processes within the MSW management.


Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Civil Engineering
Sytems Engineering in Planning and Management of Water Reservoirs
- a student will be able to:
- to apply systemic approach and systemic analysis in addressing of engineering problems related to design and operation of water reservoirs;
- to plan and design water reservoirs for solving problems in flood protection, water management and protection of water recources;
- to formulate stochastic and deterministic models of water reservoirs and apply systemic analysis tools in solving common problems in design and management of water reservoirs;
- to formulate simulation models of operational water reservoirs for the purpose of solving various water management problems;
- to formulate optimization models for addressing engineering problems in planning, designing, and managing water reservoirs;
- to predict the impact of water reservoirs on the environment and to define protection measures.

Sustainable Urban Water Systems - a student will be able to:
- to assess the sustainability of an urban water system;
- to apply systemic approach and systemic analysis in addressing the problems in sustainability of urban water system;
- to synthesize interpolation measures into existing urban water systems in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and sustainable living in urban environments;
- to forecast the impact of climate change on the operation of urban water systems, operation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and enivromental impacts;
- to formulate measures for increasing the sustainability and resilience of the urban water systems in the future due to the climate change;
- to forecast the impact of climate change on the operation of costal urban water systems and to  formulate measures for increasing the sustainability and resilience of the urban water systems in the future due to the expected global mean sea level rise;
- to combine existing and develop new social and technological measures for raising the level of sustainability of urban water systems.


Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering
Water Supply and Sewerage System - a student will be able to:
- to understand the processes and operation of the urban water system;
- to plan the development and improvement of urban water system operation;
- to evaluate the state of existing urban water system’s elements and to design new ones using standard techniques and available tools; 
- to design the urban water system and its structures;
- to continue specialization in the field urban water system.