General Information


Name of the Faculty:
University of Split,
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy

Shortened name of the Faculty:
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split

Matice hrvatske 15, 21000 Split, Croatia


Switchboard: (+385) (21) 30 33 33
Student Office: (+385) (21) 30 33 03, (+385) (21) 30 33 75
General Secretary: (+385) (21) 30 33 04

Fax: (+385) (21) 46 51 17

Registration Number: 3149463
Personal Identification Number: 83615500218
IBAN: HR3724070001100579623


Dean: Assoc. Prof. Neno Torić, Ph.D., Dean

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Balić, Ph.D.,  Vice-Dean for Civil Engineering Studies
Assit. Prof. Sanja Matijević Barčot, Vice-Dean for Architecture and Urban Planning Studies
Assoc. Prof. Martina Baučić, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for Geodesy and Geoinformatics Study
Assoc. Prof. Nikola Grgić, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for Science, Innovation and International Cooperation
Assoc. Prof. Nikolina Živaljić, Ph.D.,Vice-Dean for Human Resources and Quality

Heads of Studies:
Prof. Predrag Miščević, Ph.D., Head of Graduate Study of Civil Engineering – General Programme
Prof. Alen Harapin, Ph.D., Head of Graduate Study of Civil Engineering – Structures Programme
Prof. Mirela Galić, Ph.D, Head of Graduate Study of Civil Engineering – Modelling of Structures Programme
Assist. Prof. Morena Galešić Divić, Ph.D., Head of Graduate Study of Civil Engineering – Hydrotechnical Programme
Prof. Hrvoje Njirić, Head of Graduate Study of Architecture and Urban Planning

General Secretary: Saša Delić, LL.M.

ECTS Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Deana Breški, Ph.D.

ERASMUS Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Ivan Banović, Ph.D..


On the occasion of the 50 years of high school education in civil engineering in Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split published a monograph which can (in PDF-file format) be downloaded here.


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