Department of Interdisciplinarity in Civil Engineering

Academic staff:


Extrenal associate:

  • Irena Škarica, Lecturer


Study Course Semester Hours ECTS
Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering Legislation Fundamentals in Construction
Human Resource Management in Construction
English Language
Internship I


Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering English Language
Internship II
Built Environment Management
Undergraduate University Study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Basics of Professional English   II. 15+15 3,0
Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering English Language   VI. 30+30 5,0


Learning Outcomes:

Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering

Legislation Fundamentals in Construction - a student will be able to:
- apply, comment and critically interpret applicable regulations (national and EU) in the field of construction and participate in the process of their adoption;
- carry out the procedure of obtaining and use of documents in the process of construction and physical planning;
- interpret certain items of the applicable law regulating construction, physical planning and related bylaws;
- understand and critically comment on legislation related to construction activities.

Human Resource Management in Construction - a student will be able to:
- recognise and differentiate between the basic tasks and actors of human resource management in the organisation;
- recognise and evaluate the relationship between work, organisational structure and human resource management in the organisation;
- recognise, distinguish and comment on the organisation`s intellectual capital, human resources and potential;
- recognise, distinguish and comment on the basic determinants, approaches and methods of anticipating needs, acquiring and selecting the organisation's human resources;
- recognise, distinguish and comment on the determinants, approaches and methods of motivating and rewarding human resources in the organisation;
- recognise, distinguish and comment on the determinants of training and development of human resources in the organisation.

English Language - a student will be able to:
- communicate orally and in writing using the English terminology and concepts of the profession;
- communicate in English both orally and  in writing in everyday situations;
- present the topics of the profession in English.

Internship I - a student will be able to:
- perform less demanding tasks in the work environment (organisation of documents, business correspondence via phone and e-mail and less extensive tasks within the professional activity) responsibly;
- plan the completion of the tasks undertaken and utilise working time effectively;
- apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during their studies in practical situations, evaluate information and carry out analyses using available and established methods and tools;
- monitor the implementation of occupational health and safety measures.


Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering

English Language - a student will be able to:
- communicate orally and in writing using the English terminology and concepts of the profession;
- communicate in English both orally and  in writing in everyday situations;
- present the topics of the profession in English.

Internship II - a student will be able to:
- perform less demanding tasks in the work environment (organisation of documents, business correspondence via phone and e-mail and less extensive tasks within the professional activity) responsibly;
- plan the completion of the tasks undertaken and utilise working time effectively;
- apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during their studies in practical situations, evaluate information and carry out analyses using available and established methods and tools;
- monitor the implementation of occupational health and safety measures.

Built Environment Management - a student will be able to:
- critically evaluate, comment on and apply basic management functions in the management of the built environment;
- understand and control the processes of planning and implementing construction projects (through the functions of a construction project manager);
- critically evaluate, comment on and apply methods and techniques of planning and decision support in the management of the built environment;
- understand and manage the processes of property management;
- understand and manage the processes of urban development (design and improvement of the existing built environment) related to infrastructure systems.


Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering

English Language - a student will be able to:
- communicate orally and in writing using the English terminology and concepts of the profession;
- communicate in English both orally and  in writing in everyday situations;
- present the topics of the profession in English.