Static analysis of concrete shells
Autor: Jure Radnić, Alen Harapin, Domagoj Matešan
Nakladnik: Radnić d.o.o., Split
Godina izdanja: 2003.
Cijena: --- EUR / kn
Recenzenti / Reviewers:
prof. dr. sc. Josip Dvornik
prof. dr. sc. Krešimir Herman
prof. dr. sc. Vicko Šimić
Nakladnik / Publisher:
Radnić d.o.o., Skradinska 13, Split
Sunakladnik / Co-publisher:
Institut građevinarstva Hrvatske d.d., Janka Rakuše 1, Zagreb
Tehnički urednik / Technical editor:
mr. sc. Domagoj Matešan
Tisak / Print:
Tiskara POLJICA d.o.o., Dugi Rat
Naklada / Circulation:
200 primjeraka
ISBN 953-99447-0-8 (Split)
CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji
UDK 624.012.45
Static analysis of concrete shells / J. Radnić, D. Matešan, A. Harapin. - Split : "Radnić", 2003. ; Zagreb : Institut građevinarstva Hrvatske. - IV, 57 str. : ilustr. ; 23 cm
Bibliografija: str. 55-57.
ISBN 953-99447-0-8 (Split)
Glavna poglavlja iz sadržaja knjige / Main chapters from the book:
1. Introduction
2. Assumed shell elements
2.1. Degenerations of three-dimensional theory
2.2. The formulation of a classic degenerated shell element
2.3. Formulation of an assumed degenerated shell element
2.4. Layered model through the shell thickness
3. Material modelling
4. Geometry modelling
5. The solution procedure
6. The computational program SALJ
7. Numerical examples
8. Conclusion
9. References
Iz Predgovora knjige / Abstract from the Preface:
"... This monograph presents a numerical model for the analysis of reinforced concrete slabs and shells subjected to instantaneous static loads. The model is relatively simple and at the same time it includes the dominant nonlinear effects of the reinforced structures behavior, such as: concrete yielding under compression, cracks development in concrete under tension, cracks opening and closing at cyclic load and shear stiffness of cracked concrete and nonlinear behavior of the reinforcement. A model of geometric nonlinearity includes large displacements and small strains. The adopted degenerated shell finite element eliminates the negative effects of the so-called shear and membrane "locking". Based on presented numerical model, SALJ computation program had been developed for engineering practice... "
(D.E., 19.6.2013.)