Specialized Laboratory Unit ‐ Laboratory for Geographic Information Systems and Decision Support Modeling


The research of the laboratory is based on the coupling of GIS with control, optimization and semantic models in a unified system for decision support (DSS). Methods include creating concepts and testing DSS prototypes that include geospatial database and analysis (GIS - SPO), experimenting with the application of GIS - SPO in new areas, adapting existing and creating new software applications for storage, processing, analysis and dissemination of geospatial data.

The laboratory participates in solving social challenges through European, national and local projects. The acquisition of modern GIS - DSS equipment opened the possibility of cooperation in scientific research and with the economy at the local level and solving problems at the European/global level. Collaboration is foreseen in the development of new applications and prototypes, for example, the improvement of decision support systems and decision-making control systems in the areas of water resources management, disasters, urban infrastructure, projects, creation of e-services, geoportals, etc.


  • database and application server, web server
  • graphic workstation
  • GIS computer room with 15 computers
  • ArcGIS server


Horizon Europe
DesirMED - Demonstracija i uključivanje rješenja utemeljenih na prirodi za transformaciju Mediterana u prostor otporan na klimatske promjene (No. 101112972) na temu HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01 „Research and Innovation actions in support of the implementation of the Adaptation to Climate Change Mission“, 2023-2028 
Voditelj projektnog tima fakulteta: prof.dr.sc. Nikša Jajac, istraživači: izv.prof.dr.sc. Martina Baučić i Frane Gilić, asistent

Professional project
Savjetovanje za nadzor izrade procjena CCI25 i izgradnju kapaciteta za buduće praćenje u projektnim zemljama GEF MedProgramme Child projekta 2.1 (naručitelj PAP/RAC – UNEP/MAP), 2024-2023
Voditeljica projektnog tima fakulteta: izv.prof.dr.sc. Baučić Martina, suradnici: Frane Gilić, asistent i doc. dr. sc. Ana Grgić