Specialized Laboratory Unit ‐ Hydrotechnical Laboratory


Specialized equipment within the Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Laboratory enables the analysis of many such engineering tasks within the research of water resources and their significance in environmental engineering.




A large 22-metre-long water channel with a 16-metre-long glass working section is used to simulate a natural deep-water wave, generate currents, and the combined effect of the wave field and sea currents. It can be utilized for many other tasks of open flow hydraulics and coastal engineering, too. Measuring instruments enable the measurement of velocity and concentration in a turbulent flow field.

A wave generator installed in a wave basin measuring 4,00 x 11,00 x 2,60 m, with eight half-a-metre-long blades, can generate a wave of the general arbitrary spectrum and investigate the impact of a shallow-water wave on various coastal structures and beaches.

The 12-metre-long air tunnel with a working closed section with a cross-section of 60 x 60 cm can develop air flow velocity of up to 180 km/h, enabling research related to the impact of wind load on various forms of buildings and structures.

The 4.00 x 11.00 x 2.60 m aquifer model in the basin with an artificial rain platform, 360 pressure sensors, and 80 piezometers for measuring salt or pollution concentration enables research related to the interaction of surface, groundwater and coastal waters, pollutiontransfer, and salts in the coastal area, mechanisms of recharge of karst and other aquifers due to various rain events. Furthermore, in the Laboratory yard, there is a smaller aquifer measuring 4.00 x 2.50 x 2.00 m specializing only in research in karst aquifers.

PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) and LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence) composed of lasers and four measured cameras enable measurements of particle velocity and concentrations in 3-D space on a very small scale in a water channel and wind tunnel, which is an essential resource for specialized research for many mentioned engineering tasks.

Other measuring equipment includes a number of in-situ measurement devices, especially in the areas of coastal waters and karst aquifers.


  • A closed air/wind tunnel (of the Goettingen type)
  • A water glass channel (flume) with an integrated wave generator
  • A basin with a sea wave generator for shallow-water wave research
  • An aquifer model/basin with precipitation simulator for researching surface, subsurface, and coastal sea waters
  • PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) and LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence) systems for particle velocity and concentration

PP Presentation


prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Gotovac