05.srpnja 2016
BIM programi na Ljetnoj školi FGAG-a!
Osim redovitoga programa, Sveučilište u Splitu, Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije organizira tri različita programa za Building information modeling (BIM) namijenjena inženjerima, arhitektima i tehničarima:
- BIM for Architects
- BIM for Engineers
- BIM for HVAC
Cilj programa je suradnja i razmjena podataka među polaznicima različitih disciplina, kao i kreiranje integriranog BIM modela na osnovu dizajna pojedinačnih disciplina. Cijena programa iznosi 300 eura. Period održavanja ljetne škole je od 5. do 9. rujna 2016. godine. Registracije će biti otvorene do 20. srpnja. Više informacija možete naći na mrežnim stranicama http://www.split-summerschool.com/.
Beside regular STSS 2016 program, University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy also organizes three different courses for Building information modeling (BIM) adjusted for engineers, architects and technicians:
- BIM for Architects
- BIM for Engineers
- BIM for HVAC
The aim of courses is BIM collaboration, workflow and data exchange with other participants from other disciplines also as integrate designs from other disciplines into integrated BIM model. BIM courses will be held in the period September 5th- 9th, 2016.
Price of tuition fee is 300 EUR [€]. Registrations will be open until 20th of July.
More information about courses can be found on the website http://www.split-summerschool.com/ .