04.prosinca 2020
Thank you note to prof. Bernard Tschumi
Thank you note from the Dean prof. Nikša Jajac to prof. Bernard Tschumi
Prof. Bernard Tschumi lecture and talk for the students of Basics of Architectural Design 1 class.
December 1st, 2020., 6 pm (Central European Time), virtual talk & lecture
We are honored to share with you the news that the architect and professor at Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation - Bernard Tschumi accepted the invitation of his former student, Samantha Pavić; who today is a part of the teaching staff of the Faculty, and held an excellent lecture "CONCEPTS & IDEAS" and an afterwards conversation with the students.
The lecture was exclusively for the first-year architecture students, as a part of the Basics of Architectural Design 1 class (professors: Dinko Peračić, Jakša Kalajžić, assistant professors: Krešimir Damjanović and Samantha Pavić).
The lecture was organized and moderated by Samantha Pavić, with the support of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy. Along with the students and professors of the class, several guest professors joined the lecture: Toma Plejić and Lea Pelivan (studio UP), Saša Begović (3LHD architects) and prof. Tonči Žarnić (Af Zagreb).
After the lecture, students Filip Pilić, Josipa Vuko, Eni Fisher, Dora Matković, Petra Sumina, Lucija Fudrić and Jan Žibert, opened the discussion with their interesting architectural questions, to which prof. Tschumi gladly replied.
This excellent lecture and conversation is an overture for the Split Summer School 2021, where prof. Tschumi is invited on behalf of the Faculty Dean Nikša Jajac and vice-Dean Neno Torić (president of Split Summer School 2021 committee) to hold a full lecture and afterwards discussion, as part of the summer architectural workshop.
We would like to thank prof. Bernard Tschumi, who, with his lecture and joint conversation with the students, enriched the beginning of the architectural journeys of our students.
In addition, we are extremely pleased to welcome prof. Tschumi in Split at the Split Summer School 2021, in the city he enthusiastically talked about.
Assoc. prof. Nikša Jajac, PhD
Dekanova zahvala: Bernard Tschumi – razgovor i predavanje za studente Osnova Arhitektonskog projektiranja 1.
1.12. 2020. 18:00 sati, FGAG_virtualno predavanje i razgovor
Čast nam je podijeliti sa Vama vijest kako se arhitekt i profesor na Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation – Bernard Tschumi odazvao pozivu svoje bivše studenice, Samanthe Pavić; koja je danas dio nastavnog kadra fakulteta, te održao izvrsno predavanje „CONCEPTS & IDEAS“ i razgovor sa studentima. Predavanje je bilo isključivo za studente prve godine arhitekture, na predmetu Osnove Arhitektonskog projektiranja 1 (voditelji: Dinko Peračić, Jakša Kalajžić; asistenti: Krešimir Damjanović i Samantha Pavić).
Predavanje je organizirala i moderirala Samantha Pavić, uz podršku Fakulteta Građevinarstva, Arhitekture i Geodezije. Uz studente i profesore OAP1, predavanju su prisustvovali i gosti profesori: Toma Plejić i Lea Pelivan (studio UP), Saša Begović (studio 3LHD), Tonči Žarnić (Af Zagreb).
Nakon predavanja, studenti Filip Pilić, Josipa Vuko, Eni Fisher, Dora Matković, Petra Sumina, Lucija Fudrić te Jan Žibert, su otvorili diskusiju sa svojim zanimljivim arhitektonskim pitanjima, na koje im je prof. Tschumi rado odgovorio.
Ovo izvrsno predavanje i razgovor uvertira je za Split Summer School 2021, gdje je prof. Tschumi pozvan u ime dekana fakulteta prof. Nikše Jajca i prodekana prof. Nene Torića (voditelj Split Summer School 2021) održati cjelovito predavanje i razgovor, u sklopu ljetne arhitektonske radionice.
Ovim putem se od srca zahvaljujemo prof. Bernardu Tschumiu, što je svojim predavanjem i razgovorom sa studentima obogatio početak arhitektonskih putovanja naših studenata.
Iznimno nas veseli ugostiti prof. Bernarda Tschumia u Splitu na Split Summer School 2021, u gradu o kojem je sa oduševljenjem pričao.
Izv. prof. dr.sc. Nikša Jajac