27.ožujka 2023
Poziv na predavanje
Pozivamo nastavnike i studente na predavanje koje će se održati u utorak, 28.03.2023. s početkom u 12:15 sati u dvorani A5 na Fakultetu građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije u sklopu programa Erasmus +.
Predavanje na engleskom jeziku će održati Gyula Bögöly, Ph.D. Assistant Professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics i to pod nazivom:
“Probabilistic approach in rock slope engineering and the use of modern surveying technologies (TLS, UAV)”
In the case of design in a rock environment, such as rock slope engineering, we often encounter the problem that the parameters required for the calculations have a significant deviation, and their exact value is uncertain. These uncertainties are difficult to handle with traditional, deterministic calculations, thus the final results are highly dependent on the experience of the engineer performing the investigation. However, the stochastic nature of the input data can be taken into account by means of probabilistic methods. With the help of probabilistic analyses, we get a more realistic view of the safety, and it also opens the door to carrying out risk analyses. Nevertheless, these approaches just started to take their place in practice and have their own disadvantages. The presentation will introduce the concepts and present applicability of this stochastic approach, and it will also highlight the use of modern surveying technologies in rock engineering.