Dr. sc. Goran Vlastelica
Goran Vlastelica, Ph.D.
Izvanredni profesor
Associate Professor
Katedra za geotehniku
Department of Geotechnical Engineering
Zgrada-kat, ured: B-PR, B PR 05
Building-floor, office: B-PR, B PR 05
Telefon: 021/303-388
Phone: +385 21 303 388
Lokalni broj: 388
Local: 388
E-mail: goran.vlastelica@gradst.hr
Curriculum Vitae
Scientific area
CroRIS profile: https://www.croris.hr/osobe/profil/29115
Undergraduate University Study of Civil Engineering
- Earthworks (lectures and exercises)
Graduate University Study of Civil Engineering
- Geotechnical engineering (lectures and exercises)
- Rock mechanics (lectures and exercises)
- Laboratory and field tests of geomaterials (lectures and exercises)
- Support structures and construction pits (lectures)
- Earthworks (lectures and exercises)
Undergraduate Professional Study of Civil Engineering
- Engineering geology and earthworks (lectures and exercises)
- Tunnels and underground structures (lectures and exercises)
- Laboratory and field tests of geomaterials (lectures and exercises)
- Support structures and construction pits (lectures)
Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Civil Engineering
- Constitutive Models for Soils
On working days at any time with prior notice/agreement via: E-mail, Merlin, Teams.
Znanstvena djelatnost
CroRIS profil: https://www.croris.hr/osobe/profil/29115
Nastavna djelatnost
Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Građevinarstvo:
Sveučilišni diplomski studij Građevinarstvo:
- Geotehničko inženjerstvo (pr/vj)
- Mehanika stijena (pr/vj)
- Laboratorijska i terenska ispitivanja geomaterijala (pr/vj)
- Potporne građevine i građevne jame (pr/vj)
- Zemljani radovi (pr/vj)
Stručni studij Građevinarstvo:
- Inženjerska geologija i zemljani radovi (pr/vj)
- Tuneli i podzemne građevine (pr/vj)
- Laboratorijska i terenska ispitivanja geomaterijala (pr/vj)
- Potporne građevine i građevne jame (pr/vj)
Sveučilišni poslijediplomski (doktorski) studij Građevinarstvo:
Radnim danom u bilo kojem terminu uz prethodnu najavu/dogovor putem: E-mail-a, Merlina, Teams-a.