Published Issues (from Vol. 37 onwards)

Engineering Modelling

Published Issues

Engineering Modelling > 1998. Vol. 11 > No. 1-2

Characterization of torocyte endovesicles of human red blood cells (Summary)
Aleš Iglič, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Henry Hagerstrand(3), Malgorzata, Bobrowska-Hagerstrand, Boris Isomaa and Katarzyna Bialkowska
Power system modelling for object-oriented power flow (Summary)
Marko Delimar, Zdravko Hebel and Ivica Pavić
Mathematical model for durability design of reinforced concrete structures (Summary)
Dubravka Bjegović, Vedrana Krstić, Dunja Mikulić, Jure Radić and Vinko Čandrlić