U sklopu projekta RESCOP, u suradnji s međunarodnim institutom iz Bergena, Norveška - Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), organizirano je ukupno 10 online seminara o različitim primjenama tehnologija daljinskih istraživanja u upravljanju okolišem, s posebnim naglaskom na obalna područja i njihovu osjetljivost u duhu klimatskih promjena.
Tijekom boravka na spomenutom institutu u Bergenu, predstavnici istraživačkog tima sa Sveučilišta u Splitu, Morena Galešić Divić i Marija Kvesić Ivanković, sudjelovali su u organizaciji i provedbi navedenih seminara. Tematski, seminari su obuhvatili sljedeće:
- Primjenu tehnologija daljinskih istraživanja u Hrvatskoj - primjeri projekata sa Sveučilišta u Splitu (FGAG).
- Primjenu tehnologija daljinskih istraživanja u Norveškoj - primjeri projekata s NERSC-om.
- Radionice s alatima za upravljanje satelitskim podacima (GeoSPaaS i SEAScope).
- Kolokaciju satelitskih podataka.
- Praćenje površinskih struja u oceanima putem metoda daljinskog istraživanja.
- Predikciju pojave cvjetanja mora uz pomoć metoda daljinskog istraživanja.
- Praćenje razine mora na primjeru Norveške obale korištenjem satelita i senzora GRACE.
- Proizvode i primjene Copernicus servisa iz područja satelitskih podataka i njihove obrade.
Na samim seminarima sudjelovali su predstavnici obaju institucija, kao i drugi zainteresirani dionici iz obje zemlje.
As part of the RESCOP project, in collaboration with the international institute from Bergen, Norway - Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) - a total of 10 online seminars were organised on various applications of remote sensing technologies in environmental management, with a particular focus on coastal areas and their sensitivity to climate change challenges.
During their stay at the aforementioned institute in Bergen, the representatives of the research team from the University of Split, Morena Galešić Divić and Marija Kvesić Ivanković, participated in the organisation and implementation of the above-mentioned seminars. The seminars covered the following topics:
- Application of remote sensing technologies in Croatia - examples of projects from the University of Split (FGAG).
- Application of remote sensing technologies in Norway - examples of projects with NERSC.
- Workshops with satellite data management tools (GeoSPaaS and SEAScope).
- Collocation of satellite data.
- Monitoring of surface currents in the oceans by remote sensing methods.
- Predicting the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) using remote sensing methods.
- Sea level monitoring using the example of the Norwegian coast with the help of GRACE satellites and sensors.
- Products and applications of Copernicus services in the field of satellite data and their processing.
The seminars themselves were attended by representatives of both institutions and other interested parties from both countries.